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Hjalti (RefID: )
Added by Fighter's Stronghold
Home City Battlehorn Castle
House Battlehorn Castle Blacksmith's House
Species Wolf Soul Petty
Level 1 Type Animals
RefID BaseID
  • 8 pts melee
  • Minor Loot (15%)
Other Information
Health 80 Magicka 0
Respons. 10 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Faction for Battlehorn NPCs
Hjalti wandering around the outskirts of the castle

Hjalti, a dog/wolf crossbreed, is the pet of Niels, Battlehorn Castle's blacksmith. Until the marauders are defeated, Hjalti will stay in the blacksmith's house. Afterwards, Hjalti spends his time either sticking by Niels, wandering in his house, or wandering around between the gate to the outside world and the gate to the Castle. Hjalti will appear without any upgrades needed from Nilphas Omellian.

Obviously, a blacksmith's dog life has taken its toll on Hjalti. Niels has managed to make Hjalti stronger than a normal wolf, but living in the heat of Battlehorn Castle has eliminated his resistance to frost, a bonus most other wolves have. Like dogs, he carries the disease Witbane. He also fights like a dog rather than a wolf.
