Oblivion:Factions B

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< Factions(Redirecionado de Oblivion:Bravil Stables)


Baenlin's Faction

Simply gives its members access to Baenlin's House and the items inside it.

Editor Id BaenlinsFaction
FormId 0004cf89
Flags HiddenFromPC, Evil
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Baenlin's Faction +100
Name Rank
Baenlin n/a
Caenlin n/a
Gromm n/a

Bandit Faction

This faction is largely concerned with setting up relationships with the various enemies of the bandits, and with giving them a common set of dialogue options. Interestingly it also has explicit ownership of two chests in Black Rock Main Chamber.

Editor Id BanditFaction
FormId 000177e3
Flags HiddenFromPC, Evil
Number Rank
0 Grunt
1 Boss
Related Faction Disposition Boost
CreatureFaction +20
Marauder Faction -100
Bandit Faction +100
Name Rank
Alonzo Grunt
Arkved Grunt
Ayisha Grunt
Bandit Grunt
Bandit Bowman Grunt
Bandit Hedge Wizard Grunt
Bandit Ringleader Grunt
Black Bow Bandit Grunt
Black Bow Ringleader Grunt
Name Rank
Black Brugo Grunt
Boethia's Chosen Grunt
Dead Bandit Grunt
Dog Grunt
J'Baasha Grunt
Mensa Selas Grunt
Mogens Wind-Shifter Grunt
Roxy Aric Grunt


Gives Rochelle and Samuel Bantien access to their house and ownership of the objects in it.

Editor Id Bantien
FormId 0001fc4e
Flags HiddenFromPC
Number Rank
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Bantien +10
Name Rank
Rochelle Bantien
Samuel Bantien

Barren Mine tribe

One of the seven Goblin tribes of Cyrodiil. The relationships ensure a vicious enmity exists between the tribes.

Editor Id GoblinTribeE
FormId 000aa61e
Flags HiddenFromPC, Evil
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Derelict Mine tribe -100
Barren Mine tribe +80
Goblin Jim's tribe -100
CreatureFaction +50
Wenderbek Cave tribe -100
Timberscar Cave tribe -100
Cracked Wood Hollow tribe -100
Pundered Mine tribe -100
Name Rank
Dust Eater Goblin n/a
Dust Eater Goblin Berserker n/a
Dust Eater Goblin Shaman n/a
Dust Eater Goblin Skirmisher n/a
Dust Eater Goblin War Chief n/a


Apart from the relationships it sets up, this faction gives all the beggars a common set of dialogue responses and is also used during the Speechcraft Master Training quest. The faction also provides its members with the idle animation of holding their hands together.

Editor Id Beggars
FormId 00035e99
Flags None
Number Rank
0 Beggar
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Beggars +5
Thieves Guild +2
Name Rank
Bruccius the Orphan Beggar
Cosmus the Cheat Beggar
Deeh the Scalawag Beggar
Fetid Jofnhild Beggar
Foul Fagus Beggar
Fralav the Faker Beggar
Imus the Dull Beggar
Jorck the Outcast Beggar
Lazy Kaslowyn Beggar
Luckless Lucina Beggar
Name Rank
Nermus the Mooch Beggar
Nigidius the Needy Beggar
No-Coins Draninus Beggar
Penniless Olvus Beggar
Puny Ancus Beggar
Ragbag Buntara Beggar
Rancid Ra'dirsha Beggar
Simplicia the Slow Beggar
Wretched Aia Beggar


Stops the ghosts in Benirus Manor from attacking Velwyn Benirus during the quest Where Spirits Have Lease.

Editor Id BenirusFaction
FormId 0006e7f4
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
BenirusFaction +100
Name Rank
Benirus Manor Ghost n/a
Velwyn Benirus n/a

Best Goods and Guarantees Merchants

Gives Elsynia and Gundalas ownership of their store and the goods it contains.

Editor Id LeyawiinBestGoodsAndGuaranteesFactions
FormId 00009d8b
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Elsynia n/a
Gundalas n/a

Black Bow Faction

This faction ensures its members get on well with each other and has ownership of a couple of chests. One, the chest in Telepe is to be expected, but there is also a chest in the Blackwood Company Hall owned by the faction. This is likely a developer error due to the alphabetic proximity of 'Blackwood' and 'Black Bow'.

Editor Id BlackBowFaction
FormId 0008595c
Flags Evil
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Black Bow Faction +30
Name Rank
Alonzo n/a
Black Bow Bandit n/a
Black Bow Bandit n/a
Black Bow Ringleader n/a
Black Brugo n/a
Roxy Aric n/a

Black Horse Courier Vendors

This faction does little but give the four vendors of The Black Horse Courier a common set of dialogue responses.

Editor Id BlackHorseCouriers
FormId 0006dc2e
Flags None
Name Rank
Cicero Verus n/a
Pennus Mallius n/a
Tertius Favonius n/a
Vlanarus Kvinchal n/a

Blackwood Company

Gives the members a good relationship with each other and ownership of their guild house.

Editor Id BlackwoodCompanyFACTION
FormId 0002ff29
Flags Evil
Number Rank
0 Probationary Member
1 Company Member
Related Faction Disposition Boost
BlackwoodHated -100
Blackwood Company +75
Name Rank
Ajum-Kajin Probationary Member
Blackwood Company Guard Probationary Member
Geel Company Member
Hears-Voices-In-The-Air Probationary Member
Ja'Fazir Company Member
Jee-Tah Company Member
Name Rank
Jeetum-Ze Probationary Member
Oleed-Ei Probationary Member
Rana Company Member
Ri'Zakar Probationary Member
Sings-Like-Thunder Probationary Member


Members of this faction will be attacked on sight by Blackwood Company members. The player is added to this faction during the Fighters Guild quest The Hist.

Editor Id BlackwoodHated
FormId 0006bd2f
Flags None


The members of this faction own most of the items and doors within Cloud Ruler Temple so can walk around the building and sleep in its beds without trouble. Members also share a large number of conversational options and can salute each other with a custom idle animation.

Editor Id Blades
FormId 000274ab
Flags None
Number Male Rank Female Rank
0 Knight Brother Knight Sister
1 Captain
2 Grandmaster
Related Faction Disposition Boost
MQ13 Daedra faction -100
Emperor faction, for Uriel and Martin +100
Mythic Dawn -50
Blades +70
Name Rank
Achille Grandmaster
Arcturus Knight Brother
Baragon Grandmaster
Belisarius Knight Brother
Captain Steffan Captain
Caroline Knight Sister
Cyrus Knight Brother
Name Rank
Ferrum Grandmaster
Fortis Knight Brother
Jauffre Grandmaster
Jena Knight Sister
Pelagius Knight Brother
Roliand Knight Brother


This faction is unused except to ensure that the three residents of Blankenmarch will always stay on good terms with each other.

Editor Id BlankenmarchFACTION
FormId 000b167c
Flags None
Name Rank
Floyd Nathans n/a
Hanz gro-Hubrag n/a
Philip Franc n/a

Bleakers Way Faction

Contains all the residents of Bleaker's Way, giving them a set of conversation responses related to their village and ensuring they all get along well together. At stage 85 of Mephala's quest, everybody is removed from this faction and is added to either the Dalvilu FACTION War or UlfgarFACTIONWar faction.

Editor Id BleakersWayFaction
FormId 0009db30
Flags None
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Bleakers Way Faction +30
Name Rank
Arvin Dalvilu n/a
Beirir n/a
Hrol Ulfgar n/a
Kirsten n/a
Malyani Dalvilu n/a
Nivan Dalvilu n/a
Redas Dalvilu n/a
Satha Dalvilu n/a
Ulrika Ulfgar n/a


Members of this faction are excluded from the set of lines of dialogue that NPCs may say when they detect, or almost detect a sneaking player. Most NPCs will say something like "Huh?", "Who's there?", "Must have been the wind", or "Showing your face was the last mistake you'll ever make!" but the NPCs in this faction never will.

Editor Id BlockDetectionDialogue
FormId 0000aa3c
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Ayleid Guardian n/a

Boethia Faction

Gives the worshippers of Boethia a common set of dialogue options.

Editor Id DABoethiaFaction
FormId 0001bf5b
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Haekwon n/a
Pajeen n/a
Tolvasa Sendas n/a

Border Watch Resident

Controls the responses of the inhabitants of Border Watch, mainly as Sheogorath's quest progresses.

Editor Id BorderWatchFaction
FormId 00026aec
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
J'riska n/a
M'dasha n/a
M'dirr n/a
Ri'Bassa n/a
S'thasa n/a
Tsalajma n/a
Tsramla n/a
Zabhila n/a

Bravil - Lonely Suitor Lodge faction

Allows the three staff at the Lonely Suitor Lodge to enter the inn and use its items.

Editor Id LonelySuitorFaction
FormId 0000a06d
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Bogrum Gro-Galash n/a
Luciana Galena n/a
Ranaline n/a

Bravil - Silverhome faction

Allows the staff and residents at the Silverhome on the Water entry to the inn and lets them all drink the wine and sleep in the beds.

Editor Id SilverhomeFaction
FormId 0000a06e
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Brokil gro-Shatur n/a
Gilgondorin n/a
Jean-Pierre Lemonds n/a

Bravil Beggars

Gives the two beggars in Bravil ownership of their bedrolls and also gives them some helpful dialogue for the various Thieves Guild quests that take place in the city.

Editor Id BravilBeggars
FormId 00035e9a
Flags None
Number Rank
0 Beggar
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Bravil Beggars +5
Beggars +5
Name Rank
Cosmus the Cheat Beggar
Wretched Aia Beggar

Bravil Castle faction

The residents and guards of Castle Bravil all belong to this faction. It allows them all into the castle and to move around inside.

Editor Id BravilCastleFaction
FormId 0000a06f
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Bravil Guard n/a
Bravil Jailor n/a
Count Regulus Terentius n/a
Count's Bodyguard n/a
Drels Theran n/a
Name Rank
Dro'Nahrahe n/a
Fathis Aren n/a
Gellius Terentius n/a
Hans Black-Nail n/a
Viera Lerus n/a

Bravil Faction

All the residents of Bravil belong to this faction. It simply gives them all various lines of dialogue to say about their city and its residents.

Editor Id BravilFaction
FormId 0002ca32
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Prey creatures +50
Name Rank
Aleron Loche n/a
Alval Uvani n/a
Andragil n/a
Antoine Branck n/a
Ardaline n/a
Aryarie n/a
Bogrum Gro-Galash n/a
Bravil Guard n/a
Bravil Jailor n/a
Brokil gro-Shatur n/a
Carandial n/a
Chana Mona n/a
City-Swimmer n/a
Cosmus the Cheat n/a
Count Regulus Terentius n/a
Count's Bodyguard n/a
Daenlin n/a
Delphine Jend n/a
Drels Theran n/a
Name Rank
Dro'Nahrahe n/a
Dro'shanji n/a
Fathis Aren n/a
Fighters Guild Porter n/a
Gellius Terentius n/a
Gilgondorin n/a
Hans Black-Nail n/a
Henantier n/a
Isabeau Bienne n/a
Ita Rienus n/a
Jean-Pierre Lemonds n/a
Jee-Tah n/a
J'zin-Dar n/a
Kud-Ei n/a
Luciana Galena n/a
Maglir n/a
Marana Rian n/a
Marz n/a
Nahsi n/a
Name Rank
Nilawen n/a
Nordinor n/a
Olava the Fair n/a
Ranaline n/a
Reenum n/a
Reistr the Rotted n/a
Roxanne Brigette n/a
R'vanni n/a
Samuel Bantien n/a
S'Krivva n/a
Tadrose Helas n/a
Ungarion n/a
Uravasa Othrelas n/a
Ursanne Loche n/a
Varon Vamori n/a
Viera Lerus n/a
Vincent Galien n/a
Wretched Aia n/a

Bravil guards faction

Contains all the guards in Bravil and gives them access to restricted areas such as the prison, as well as providing them with a few unique lines of dialogue. Notably, Gaius Prentus is not a member of this faction.

Editor Id BravilGuards
FormId 0000a070
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Escaped Prisoner -100
Beggars -10
Thieves Guild -3
Bravil Castle faction +50
Bravil guards faction +100
Name Rank
Bravil Guard n/a
Bravil Jailor n/a
Count's Bodyguard n/a
Viera Lerus n/a

Bravil Loche family

This faction isn't really necessary. It gives Aleron and Ursanne access to their house in Bravil, but since Aleron doesn't appear until the Caught in the Hunt quest and doesn't survive it, all of the faction effects could have been given to Ursanne as an individual instead - except the relationship boost.

Editor Id LocheFaction
FormId 0000a072
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Player Faction +25
Name Rank
Aleron Loche n/a
Ursanne Loche n/a

Bravil Skooma Den faction

Gives the denizens of the Bravil Skooma Den access to the building.

Editor Id BravilSkoomaDenFaction
FormId 0000a071
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Gellius Terentius n/a
J'zin-Dar n/a
Reistr the Rotted n/a
Roxanne Brigette n/a
R'vanni n/a
S'Krivva n/a

Bravil Stables

This faction simply lets the two residents of the Bay Roan Stables in Bravil have free access to their residence.

Editor Id BravilStables
FormId 0004d821
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Antoine Branck n/a
Isabeau Bienne n/a


Gives the three residents of Brindle Home a couple of lines of dialogue related to the Molag Bal quest.

Editor Id BrindleHomeFACTION
FormId 00026f95
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Astante n/a
Merildor n/a
Torbal the Sufficient n/a

Brolus family in Bruma

Lets Istirus and Jantus enter their home in Bruma freely.

Editor Id BrolusFamilyFaction
FormId 00035e4c
Flags None
Name Rank
Istirus Brolus n/a
Jantus Brolus n/a

Bruiant Family Faction

Gives Rena and her dogs access to the Bruiant family home in Chorrol. Her husband, Rimalus, is not a member of the faction, which can sometimes cause fights between the two.

Editor Id BruiantFamilyFaction
FormId 0002a083
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Bruiant Family Faction +20
Name Rank
Bailey n/a
Kezune n/a
Rena Bruiant n/a

Bruma Beggars

Gives the two beggars in Bruma a few unique lines of dialogue during the Spies quest.

Editor Id BrumaBeggars
FormId 00035e9d
Flags None
Number Rank
0 Beggar
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Bruma Beggars +5
Beggars +5
Name Rank
Fetid Jofnhild Beggar
Jorck the Outcast Beggar

Bruma Cheydinhal Bridge Inn

The name of this faction is clearly an error - the inn is in Cheydinhal, not Bruma. Its function is to allow the inn's two staff entry into the inn and the use of its objects.

Editor Id CheydinhalBridgeInnFaction
FormId 000034b8
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Mariana Ancharia n/a
Shelley n/a

Bruma Citizens

Contains all the residents of Bruma and gives them a common set of dialogue options about their city and its residents. J'skar is removed from this faction during the course of the Mages Guild quests.

Editor Id BrumaFaction
FormId 00035ea9
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Prey creatures +50
Name Rank
Alga n/a
Algot the Northerner n/a
Alval Uvani n/a
Arentus Falvius n/a
Arnora Auria n/a
Bradon Lirrian n/a
Brotch Calus n/a
Bruma Guard n/a
Bruma Investigator Guard n/a
Bruma Jailor n/a
Bruma Militia n/a
Bruma Soldier n/a
Bumph gra-Gash n/a
Burd n/a
Carius Runellius n/a
Cirroc n/a
Countess Narina Carvain n/a
Countess's Bodyguard n/a
Edla Dark-Heart n/a
Name Rank
Erline Lirrian n/a
Fetid Jofnhild n/a
Fighters Guild Porter n/a
Fjotreid n/a
Gan Luseph n/a
Gerich Senarel n/a
Hafid Hollowleg n/a
Helvius Cecia n/a
Honmund n/a
Humilis Nonius n/a
Irene Metrick n/a
Isa Raman n/a
Istirus Brolus n/a
Jantus Brolus n/a
Jeanne Frasoric n/a
Jearl n/a
Jorck the Outcast n/a
J'skar n/a
Karinnarre n/a
Name Rank
Logvaar n/a
Lyra Rosentia n/a
Olav n/a
Olfand n/a
Ongar the World-Weary n/a
Petrine n/a
Regner n/a
Right-Wind n/a
Romana Faleria n/a
Salomon Geonette n/a
Selena Orania n/a
Skjorta n/a
Snar the Cook n/a
Suurootan n/a
Tolgan n/a
Tyrellius Logellus n/a
Volanaro n/a
Yvara Channitte n/a


This faction grants the residents and guards of Castle Bruma access to the castle.

Editor Id BrumaCastleFaction
FormId 00035eba
Flags None
Name Rank
Bruma Guard n/a
Bruma Investigator Guard n/a
Bruma Jailor n/a
Bruma Soldier n/a
Burd n/a
Carius Runellius n/a
Countess Narina Carvain n/a
Name Rank
Countess's Bodyguard n/a
Gan Luseph n/a
Gerich Senarel n/a
Tolgan n/a
Tyrellius Logellus n/a
Yvara Channitte n/a


Gives the guards in Bruma access to restricted areas such as the castle prison and gives them a few common lines of dialogue.

Editor Id BrumaGuardFaction
FormId 00035ebd
Flags None
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Escaped Prisoner -100
Thieves Guild -3
Beggars -10
BrumaCastleFaction +50
BrumaGuardFaction +100
Name Rank
Bruma Guard n/a
Bruma Investigator Guard n/a
Bruma Jailor n/a
Bruma Soldier n/a
Burd n/a
Carius Runellius n/a
Countess's Bodyguard n/a
Gerich Senarel n/a
Tyrellius Logellus n/a


Lets the two staff at the Wildeye Stables into their home.

Editor Id BrumaStables
FormId 0004d830
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Humilis Nonius n/a
Petrine n/a


This faction gives the members of the Blackwood Company a couple of lines of dialogue during the Infiltration quest for the Fighters Guild.

Editor Id WatersEdgeFaction
FormId 000327b9
Flags None
Name Rank
Blackwood Company Guard n/a
