Oblivion:Beneath the Bloodworks

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Beneath the Bloodworks
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Vampire Enemies
Important Treasure
1 boss-level Chest
Console Location Code(s)
The sewer system under the Imperial City Arena District
A room within Beneath the Bloodworks

Beneath the Bloodworks is a small sewer system under the Imperial City containing vampires. It contains only one zone, Beneath the Bloodworks.

Related Quests


  • Although this sewer is under the Arena District, there is no sewer entrance directly from the Arena District; it can only be accessed via other sewers.
  • The entrance to The Palace Sewers requires a key which is obtained during The Ultimate Heist quest.
  • If you hit the wrong switches, it is possible to permanently trap yourself between two gates without any way to get out.

Zone 1: Beneath the Bloodworks

Key to Map
Beneath the Bloodworks

This zone has sections that are underwater



Doors and Gates:

  • There are four doors in/out of this zone, all leading to adjacent sewer systems. There is no direct entrance to this sewer system from outside.
  • 2 Slough Gates at D and E, both of which are opened by a Turn Wheel (cyan dot) in the room north of gate E (near the boss chest B)
  • 1 Gate at F (locked, key required, opened by the Imperial Sewer Key which is obtained during The Ultimate Heist)
  • 1 sewer Gate at H, opened by the Turn Wheel (cyan dot) immediately west of it on the wall. This door is initially open; it only closes if you use the Turn Wheel; activate the Turn Wheel again to reopen the gate.
  • 1 sewer Gate at I, opened by a Turn Wheel (cyan dot) in the room southeast of the gate. This Turn Wheel is on an upper level; to reach it from door I, you will need to backtrack to the entry room (next to K), then take the eastern route around to the upper room.