Oblivion:Factions A

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< Factions(Redirecionado de Oblivion:Anvil Beggars)


Adrian Decanius Faction

This faction seems to serve no purpose as it is not referenced by any scripts, owns no objects and has no relationships.

Editor Id AdrianDecaniusFaction
FormId 00016230
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Adrian Decanius Faction 0
Name Rank
Adrian Decanius n/a

Adventurer Faction

This faction groups together all the Orc Adventurers and ensures they will be friendly towards the player and suitably hostile towards the other inhabitants of the dungeons. It is also used to provide the various dialogue responses.

Editor Id AdventurerFaction
FormId 0001f1a6
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
CreatureFaction -30
Undead -30
Marauder Faction -30
Necromancers Cult -30
Conjurers -30
Bandit Faction -30
Player Faction +50
Adventurer Faction +100
Name Rank
Adventurer n/a

Agarmir's Faction

Agarmir and Rolgarel are both added to this faction when the player enters Trentius Mausoleum during the Unfriendly Competition quest. It ensures the two of them will support each other during the subsequent battle.

Editor Id MS29AgarmirFaction
FormId 0001ce2c
Flags HiddenFromPC, Evil
Number Rank
0 No Kill I
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Agarmir's Faction +100

Aleswell -- people Serethi sisters dislike

The Serethi sisters of Aleswell are an unpleasant pair. Diram Serethi comments that "My sisters, on the other hand ... I wouldn't mind if they had stayed invisible!", and the feeling is evidently mutual. This faction simply ensures the sisters dislike their fellow townsfolk.

Editor Id SerethiSistersDislikeFaction
FormId 001853fe
Flags None
Name Rank
Diram Serethi n/a
Sakeepa n/a
Shagol gro-Bumph n/a

Aleswell faction

After the Zero Visibility quest is completed, the player's disposition with this faction is boosted by 30 points. It has ownership of the Aleswell Inn and is also used to determine which Actors are affected by the Reverse Invisibility Spell.

Editor Id AleswellFaction
FormId 0002f860
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Adosi Serethi n/a
Diram Serethi n/a
Sakeepa n/a
Sakeepa's Dog n/a
Shagol gro-Bumph n/a
Sheep n/a
Urnsi Serethi n/a

All the dremora guards and torturers

Used during the Paradise quest, this faction simply ensures that the various guards have the correct relationships to the other actors.

Editor Id MQ15GuardFaction
FormId 0003cd11
Flags HiddenFromPC, Evil
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Put the player or anyone hated in this faction -100
Daedra monsters in the caves +100
Anyone wearing Bands of the Chosen +90
All the dremora guards and torturers +100
Name Rank
Amkaos n/a
Ascended Immortal n/a
Orthe n/a
Ranyu n/a

Amantius Allectus Door Owners

This faction is only important during the May the Best Thief Win quest when it ensures Methredhel can enter Amantius Allectus' house without delay.

Editor Id AmantiusAllectusDoor
FormId 00070972
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Amantius Allectus n/a
Caula Allectus n/a
Methredhel n/a

Amantius Allectus House

Allows Amantius and his wife free access to their house.

Editor Id AmantiusAllectusHouse
FormId 000097a4
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Amantius Allectus n/a
Caula Allectus n/a

Ancotar's faction

Another faction related to the Zero Visibility quest, this one makes sure Ancotar and the invisible creatures surrounding his residence don't fight.

Editor Id MS47AncotarFaction
FormId 000c6c77
Flags None
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Faction for creatures friendly to Ancotar +10
Name Rank
Ancotar n/a

Anvil -- Count's Arms faction

This faction owns most of the items in The Count's Arms, Anvil. It allows the three NPCs to use the items and enter the inn freely.

Editor Id CountsArmsFaction
FormId 0000a272
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Didier Aumilie n/a
S'shani n/a
Wilbur n/a

Anvil - Enilroth lovers faction

It would appear that Enilroth and Hasathil (Heinrich Oaken-Hull's wife) have found a way of passing time while Heinrich is away at sea.

Editor Id EnilrothFaction
FormId 0000a284
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Anvil - Enilroth lovers faction +50
Name Rank
Enilroth n/a
Hasathil n/a

Anvil - Foc'sle faction

This faction owns the whole Fo'c's'le inn, including the private rooms.

Editor Id FocsleFaction
FormId 0000a274
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Anguilon n/a
Dead Captain n/a
Dead Crewmember n/a
Hauls-Ropes-Faster n/a
Isolde n/a
Name Rank
Krognak gro-Brok n/a
Mirabelle Monet n/a
Thurindil n/a
Timothee LaRouche n/a

Anvil - Heinrich Oaken-Hull's house

Allows Heinrich and Hasathil free access to their house.

Editor Id HeinrichOakenHullFaction
FormId 0000a275
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Hasathil n/a
Heinrich Oaken-Hull n/a

Anvil - Inventius family

Allows Astia and Pinarus free access to their house.

Editor Id InventiusFamily
FormId 0000a276
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Astia Inventius n/a
Pinarus Inventius n/a

Anvil - Jesan Sextius faction

Jesan Sextius seems to run something of an open house; three NPCs have free access to everything. This could be the source of his poor relationship with Newheim the Portly - perhaps the latter doesn't like having an Orc, Argonian and Khajiit coming and going at all hours of the day and night.

Editor Id JesanSextiusFaction
FormId 0000a278
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Anvil - Jesan Sextius faction +5
Anvil - Newheim faction -20
Name Rank
Gorgo gro-Shura n/a
Jesan Sextius n/a
Quill-Weave n/a
S'shani n/a

Anvil - Morvayn's store faction

This faction simply ensures that the staff at Morvayn's Peacemakers can come and go as they please.

Editor Id MorvaynFaction
FormId 0000a273
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Enilroth n/a
Varel Morvayn n/a

Anvil - Newheim faction

This faction seems solely to allow the various residents of Newheim's house free access, and to enforce something of a poor relationship with Jesan Sextius and friends. This must be tricky for S'shani, since he is in both groups.

Editor Id NewheimFaction
FormId 0000a279
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Anvil - Newheim faction +5
Anvil - Jesan Sextius faction -20
Name Rank
Heinrich Oaken-Hull n/a
Newheim the Portly n/a
S'shani n/a

Anvil - The Serpent's Wake faction

This faction groups together the crew of the Serpent's Wake. The only purpose it serves apart from creating a group is to own the door to the ship.

Editor Id SerpentsWakeFaction
FormId 0000a27a
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Anguilon n/a
Dead Captain n/a
Dead Crewmember n/a
Hauls-Ropes-Faster n/a
Name Rank
Isolde n/a
Krognak gro-Brok n/a
Thurindil n/a
Timothee LaRouche n/a

Anvil Beggars

Gives Olvus and Imus a common set of dialogue responses for a couple of quests and allows relationships to be set up with other factions.

Editor Id AnvilBeggars
FormId 00035e98
Flags HiddenFromPC
Number Rank
0 Beggar
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Anvil Beggars +5
Beggars +5
Name Rank
Imus the Dull Beggar
Penniless Olvus Beggar

Anvil castle residents

The main purpose of this faction is to allow the residents to move around the castle freely, but it also gives the members a common set of dialogue responses during the Taking Care of Lex quest.

Editor Id AnvilCastleFaction
FormId 0000a26f
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Anvil Guard n/a
Anvil Jailor n/a
Anvil Soldier n/a
Baeralorn n/a
Beatrice Gene n/a
Colin Stedrine n/a
Corvus Umbranox n/a
Name Rank
Countess Millona Umbranox n/a
Countess's Bodyguard n/a
Dairihill n/a
Heinrich Oaken-Hull n/a
Langley n/a
Orrin n/a

Anvil Citizen

This faction is used mainly to give the citizens of Anvil a common set of dialogue responses, but is also used to give a boost in disposition to the player when the Oblivion gate outside the city is closed and when the main quest is completed. Interestingly, it is this faction that owns the beds in the Fo'c's'le and the Chapel, rather than, say, the Anvil - Foc'sle faction or the Nine Divines.

Editor Id AnvilFaction
FormId 00009274
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Prey creatures +50
Name Rank
A Stranger n/a
Alval Uvani n/a
Anguilon n/a
Anvil Guard n/a
Anvil Jailor n/a
Anvil Soldier n/a
Arvena Thelas n/a
Astia Inventius n/a
Azzan n/a
Baeralorn n/a
Beatrice Gene n/a
Caenlorn n/a
Carahil n/a
Clesa n/a
Colin Stedrine n/a
Corvus Umbranox n/a
Countess Millona Umbranox n/a
Countess's Bodyguard n/a
Dairihill n/a
Dead Captain n/a
Dead Crewmember n/a
Didier Aumilie n/a
Dumania Jirich n/a
Enilroth n/a
Name Rank
Ernest n/a
Felen Relas n/a
Fighters Guild Porter n/a
Gogan n/a
Gorgo gro-Shura n/a
Hasathil n/a
Hauls-Ropes-Faster n/a
Heinrich Oaken-Hull n/a
Huurwen n/a
Ida Ottus n/a
Imus the Dull n/a
Isolde n/a
Jesan Sextius n/a
Krognak gro-Brok n/a
Langley n/a
Laralthir n/a
Llensi Llaram n/a
Maelona n/a
Maenlorn n/a
Mandil n/a
Marc Gulitte n/a
Marinus Catiotus n/a
Mirabelle Monet n/a
Name Rank
Newheim the Portly n/a
Norbert Lelles n/a
Orrin n/a
Penniless Olvus n/a
Pinarus Inventius n/a
Quill-Weave n/a
Renee Geonette n/a
Rhano n/a
Rufrius Vinicius n/a
Rusia Bradus n/a
S'shani n/a
Sten the Ugly n/a
Thaurron n/a
Thurindil n/a
Timothee LaRouche n/a
Trevaia n/a
Ulfgar Fog-Eye n/a
Varel Morvayn n/a
Varulae n/a
Velwyn Benirus n/a
Vigdis n/a
Wilbur n/a
Wilhelm the Worm n/a

Anvil Flowing Bowl

Simply gives Caenlorn and Maenlorn ownership of their inn.

Editor Id FlowingBowlFaction
FormId 0000a271
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Caenlorn n/a
Maenlorn n/a

Anvil guard faction

Apart from the usual common dialogue, this faction gives its members access to Anvil Barracks as well as ownership of the Anvil bedrolls during the Allies for Bruma quest.

Editor Id AnvilGuards
FormId 0000a270
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Escaped Prisoner -100
Beggars -10
Thieves Guild -3
Anvil castle residents +50
Anvil guard faction +100
Name Rank
Anvil Guard n/a
Anvil Jailor n/a
Anvil Soldier n/a
Countess's Bodyguard n/a
Langley n/a

Anvil Harborside warehouse

Exists solely to allow Wilhelm access to the warehouse so he can do his job.

Editor Id AnvilHarborFaction
FormId 0000bc67
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Wilhelm the Worm n/a

Anyone wearing Bands of the Chosen

Used during the Paradise quest. Membership of this faction prevents the normally-hostile daedra and other monsters in the grotto from attacking the player, who is added to it while wearing the Bands of the Chosen. The Prisoners listed are the unfortunates who are encaged above the pits of lava.

Editor Id MQ15PrisonerFaction
FormId 0003cd10
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
All the dremora guards and torturers +50
Anyone wearing Bands of the Chosen +100
Daedra monsters in the caves +50
Name Rank
Eldamil n/a
Prisoner n/a

Arano Family

Allows Myvryna and her house guest access to her shack. Presumably the reason for including Lex is so he can enter freely during The Elven Maiden quest.

Editor Id AranoFamily
FormId 000513bf
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Arano Family +25
Name Rank
Hieronymus Lex n/a
Myvryna Arano n/a
Uzul gro-Grulam n/a

Arcane University

It might be expected that the purpose of this faction is to allow entrance to the university, but in fact the only thing it does is provide a common couple of lines should the player be caught during the Misdirection quest.

Editor Id ArcaneUniversity
FormId 0004d16f
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Boderi Farano n/a
Borissean n/a
Bothiel n/a
Caranya n/a
Delmar n/a
Fithragaer n/a
Gaspar Stegine n/a
Name Rank
Hannibal Traven n/a
Irlav Jarol n/a
Julienne Fanis n/a
Martina Floria n/a
Raminus Polus n/a
Renald Viernis n/a
Tar-Meena n/a


It is through this faction that the player progresses while fighting in the Arena. It provides ownership of the items in the Bloodworks and a few common lines of dialogue.

Editor Id ArenaCombatants
FormId 000299b9
Flags None
Number Rank
0 Pit Dog
1 Brawler
2 Bloodletter
3 Myrmidon
4 Warrior
5 Gladiator
6 Hero
7 Champion
8 Grand Champion
Name Rank
Blue Team Gladiator Pit Dog
Hundolin Pit Dog
Owyn Grand Champion
Yellow Team Champion Pit Dog
Ysabel Andronicus Champion

Arena Bloodworks Dwellers

The purpose of this faction is somewhat unclear. It owns no items and provides one line of dialogue that is in any case a standard Imperial City line. It may exist solely to stop the inhabitants of the Bloodworks from attacking each other.

Editor Id ArenaICBloodworksDwellers
FormId 0014683b
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Arena Bloodworks Dwellers +30
Name Rank
Agronak gro-Malog n/a
Blue Team Gladiator n/a
Hundolin n/a
Owyn n/a
Porkchop n/a
Yellow Team Champion n/a
Ysabel Andronicus n/a

Arena Champions

Seems to serves no purpose other than to identify the three members as champions. The player is never added to this faction, even after completing the arena matches.

Editor Id ArenaChampionFaction
FormId 00047c80
Flags HiddenFromPC, SpecialCombat
Name Rank
Agronak gro-Malog n/a
Jean-Pierre Lemonds n/a
Vandorallen Trebatius n/a

Arena Hopefuls

Gives its two members ownership of their chest.

Editor Id ArenaHopefuls
FormId 000a7137
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Arena Hopefuls +100
Name Rank
Branwen n/a
Saliith n/a

Arena Player

The player is added to this faction during a match in the Arena, but it seems to serve no real purpose.

Editor Id ArenaPlayer
FormId 00022c9a
Flags HiddenFromPC, SpecialCombat
Number Rank
0 In Faction

Arena Spectator Combatants

This faction contains the two combatants that the player watches while betting on an Arena match, and allows them to fight without guards or spectators joining in.

Editor Id ArenaSpectatorCombatants
FormId 0001e65b
Flags HiddenFromPC, Evil, SpecialCombat
Name Rank
Blue Team Combatant n/a
Yellow Team Combatant n/a

Arena Yellow Team

The Arena Yellow Team contains all the opponents you will meet in the Arena except for the Grand Champion, Agronak gro-Malog. The relationships ensure that members don't start fighting each other if blows go astray.

Editor Id ArenaYellowTeam
FormId 00028a85
Flags HiddenFromPC, SpecialCombat
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Arena Yellow Team +100
Arena -50
Name Rank
Yellow Team Bloodletter n/a
Yellow Team Brawler n/a
Yellow Team Champion n/a
Yellow Team Gladiator n/a
Yellow Team Hero n/a
Yellow Team Myrmidon n/a
Yellow Team Pit Dog n/a
Yellow Team Warrior n/a


This faction appears to be unused. Apart from its relationship with the Yellow Team it is unreferenced.

Editor Id Arena01
FormId 00028a84
Flags None
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Arena Yellow Team -100


Ensures that the Adoring Fan will always love the player and quite like any other arena combatants.

Editor Id ArenaFanFaction
FormId 000aed4b
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Player Faction +100
Arena +30
Name Rank
Adoring Fan n/a


Gives Erissare and Soris free access to their house. The faction also contains Ulen Athram, although whether this implies a friendship or an affair is impossible to deduce.

Editor Id ArenimFamily
FormId 00022bc2
Flags None
Number Rank
Related Faction Disposition Boost
ArenimFamily +10
Name Rank
Erissare Arenim
Soris Arenim
Ulen Athram

Athram Family

This faction gives its members access to Ulen Athram's house in the Talos Plaza District of Imperial City. There appears to be a bug, however, in that Dralora Athram is not a member.

Editor Id AthramFamily
FormId 00022bb8
Flags None
Number Rank
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Athram Family +10
Name Rank
Ulen Athram

Atius Family

This faction allows Astinia, Helvo and Sevarius access to their house in the Talos Plaza District of Imperial City.

Editor Id AtiusFamily
FormId 0001fdc9
Flags HiddenFromPC
Number Rank
0 Relative
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Atius Family -5
Name Rank
Astinia Atius Relative
Helvo Atius Relative
Severius Atius Relative


Seems to exist solely to ensure Azani Blackheart hates Fighters Guild members during his eponymous quest.

Editor Id AzaniBlackheartFACTION
FormId 0000c661
Flags Evil
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Fighters Guild -100
Name Rank
Azani Blackheart n/a


Gives all the worshippers of Azura a common set of dialogue responses.

Editor Id DAAzuraFaction
FormId 0001bf5a
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Bur-Meema n/a
Mels Maryon n/a
Ralsa Nethan n/a
