Lore:Tomos Negros

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Este artigo é sobre the artifacts themselves. Para the book contents, veja Black Book.

Black Books are Daedric artifacts created by Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Fate and Knowledge. Each book contains some manner of forbidden knowledge. Some books are from the ancient past; some are from the future. The thick tomes are bound in black covers, with a symbol representing Mora on the front, and emit a black mist. They are comparable to the Oghma Infinium, another tome of knowledge created by Mora; however, through the reading of the Black Books, individuals can obtain much more power than that gained from the Oghma Infinium alone. The books were spread across Tamriel by Mora, and are usually located in the depths of ancient dungeons.[1]

Through reading a Black Book, the reader will enter Apocrypha, the realm of Oblivion created and ruled over by Hermaeus Mora. Tentacles will emerge from the tome and envelop the reader. An apparition of the reader's body remains in Mundus, tethering their life force. Most mortals who read a Black Book are driven insane, but those who successfully journey through Apocrypha are known to discover powerful knowledge. Dying in Apocrypha while reading a Black Book simply banishes the reader back to Tamriel. Rereading a book will return the reader to the same area of Apocrypha, allowing them to attempt Mora's gauntlets again or harness the power of a different piece of knowledge.[1] Copies of the contents of Black Books can be made without entering Apocrypha.[2]

In 4E 201, several Black Books were unearthed on the island of Solstheim:

Waking Dreams of A Starless Sky

This Black Book was located in the Temple of Miraak. It was apparently used by Miraak in the Merethic Era to flee to Apocrypha when his temple was burned down by the Dragon Cult. It was recovered by the Last Dragonborn and a member of the Skaal, and the Dragonborn later used it to defeat Miraak.

Epistolary Acumen

This Black Book was discovered by the Dwemer, and taken to the city of Nchardak for study. It was recovered by the Last Dragonborn and Master Neloth of Great House Telvanni.

Untold Legends: The Other Lives of Ysgramor

This Black Book was located in Benkongerike, an ice cave inhabited by rieklings that opened up into an ancient Nordic ruin.

The Winds of Change

This Black Book was located in Bloodskal Barrow, burial place of the Bloodskal Clan. The Raven Rock ebony mine broke into the ruins in 4E 10 and sealed it off.

The Sallow Regent

This Black Book was located in White Ridge Barrow, an ancient Nordic ruin.

Filament and Filigree

This Black Book was located in Kolbjorn Barrow, an ancient Nordic ruin. The barrow was buried in ash during the Fourth Era, until the ruins were excavated in 4E 201.

The Hidden Twilight

This Black Book was recovered by Master Neloth some time in the Fourth Era. He hesitantly gave it to the Last Dragonborn in 4E 201.


See Also

For game-specific information, see the Dragonborn article.


  1. ^ a b Events of Dragonborn
  2. ^ Neloth's dialogue in Dragonborn