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Taheritae (?b - ?d)

A sage quoted by Psijics to explain the apparent dichotomy between remaining faithful to both their rulers and their training: "In Mundus, conflict and disparity are what bring change, and change is the most sacred of the Eleven Forces. Change is the force without focus or origin". For lengthier quotes, see The Old Ways.

Talen Vandas (?b - c. 3E 425)

Nephew of and presumed successor to King Athyn Llethan of Morrowind. Purportedly died in a hunting accident close to the time of Llethan's own death, though some suspected King Hlaalu Helseth of involvement in both deaths.

Talin (?b - ?d)

Talin é um importante nome do Simulacro Imperial. Há poucos relatos conflitantes acerca de quem Talin realmente foi. Ele pode ter sido:

  • O Campeão Eterno.
  • O pai do Campeão Eterno.
  • General Warhaft.

Estas três pessoas tendo o mesmo nome pode simplesmente ser uma coincidência, mas é possível que Warhaft e o Campeão sejam a mesma pessoa,[nb 1] e que o Campeão tenha sido nomeado em homenagem a seu pai.

General Talos (?b - 3E 38)

One of the names of Tiber Septim during life, which was used later to refer to him as a deity.

Tansal (?b - ?d)

Tansal was a master sword singer and smith some time in the First Era.

Arch-Mage Taris Rendil (?b - c. 3E 433)

Taris Rendil was an Arch-Mage of the Mages Guild who constructed Frostcrag Spire. Rendil was dissatisfied with living in the Arcane University, so he constructed the Spire in the lofty Jerall Mountains of Cyrodiil to escape his colleagues' prying eyes. He was the creator of the Spire's Atronach Altar, and also collaborated with Sinderion of Skingrad to develop the Frostcrag Apparatus Table. He was in some way associated with Lennasaan and Rindsey, two great adventurers who were buried in an ice cave that served as the underground vault of the Spire.

When age began to overwhelm Rendil, he entrusted many of his belongings to Aurelinwae of the Imperial City. A long-lost relative of Rendil's, the Champion of Cyrodiil, was his sole heir and successor and inherited the Spire in 3E 433. Rendil wrote the Frostcrag Spire Memoirs on his deathbed, leaving instructions on how to restore the Spire to its former glory. His dying wish was granted by the Champion of Cyrodiil, who compensated Aurelinwae and returned Rendil's possessions to the tower.

Emperor Tarish-Zi (?b - ?d)

Emperor Tarish-Zi was a Yokudan leader of the Ra Gada circa 1E 808 and a member of the Na-Totambu. The self-proclaimed emperor led the Anka-Ra, one of the most fearsome of the warrior bands renowned for their mastery of the sword. Tarish-Zi was known for his ruthlessness, and the Anka-Ra cut a bloody swath across Hammerfell and all the way into Craglorn in their hunger to claim a new home.

They left few survivors, and have been blamed for the annihilation of the Nedes of Eastern Hammerfell, whose culture was already fading by the time of the Ra Gada's arrival. Tarish-Zi was responsible for the destruction of the abandoned Nedic city of Reinhold's Retreat, which he ordered to be buried beneath the earth after he failed to find the treasure said to be stored within the ruins. He and his Anka-Ra ultimately settled in Craglorn, where they were eventually buried. Even in death, the Anka-Ra's spirits were bound to Tarish-Zi through an oath of eternal loyalty.

This eternal loyalty was exploited in 2E 582, when the constellations fell from the skies above Craglorn and took on mortal form as Celestials. The Warrior was one such Celestial, and he used his divine powers to call forth great warriors of the past. However, he did so at the command of the Serpent who had corrupted him, and so he summoned Tarish-Zi and the Anka-Ra forward in time. Under the Serpent's control, the Anka-Ra rose from their burial tombs as sand warriors and began amassing an army in order to siege Craglorn.

Along with the Anka-Ra, a Nedic warrior named Titus Valerius was cast forward in time. This was done by the Warrior before his corruption, so that Valerius could act as his champion. Valerius was a subject of Tarish-Zi in life, but owed him no loyalty and as such could act autonomously, outside of the Serpent's influence. While the Star Gazers attempted to halt the summoning of more Anka-Ra under the instructions of the Thief, Valerius was aided by the Soulless One in locating and entering Tarish-Zi's tomb in southern Craglorn. Tarish-Zi was then defeated and the Warrior was later saved from the Serpent's corruption, ending the Anka-Ra threat.

Taron Dreth (?b - 4E 201)

Taron Dreth was a Dunmer mage who claimed to be the "world's foremost expert" in Dwemer metallurgy and forging techniques. He was supposedly the author of The Aetherium Wars, but he actually plagiarized the work from a colleague, a secret he was willing to kill to protect. At last report, he was traveling in Skyrim during the Stormcloak Rebellion, most likely looking for evidence to support his stolen theories on Aetherium. He was killed in the wilderness in 4E 201.

Empress Tavia (?b - 1E 2920)

The last Empress of the Reman Dynasty. In 1E 2899, her husband Reman III had her imprisoned in Gideon, Black Marsh, fearing that she was plotting a revolution against him. She was a character in the popular historical fiction 2920, The Last Year of the First Era.

King Thagore (?b - ?d)

King of Daggerfall. He defeated the Glenpoint army in 1E 609, becoming the preeminent force in the High Rock region (a position it has barely held to since).

Grandmaster Thalthil Dres (?b - ?d)

A Dunmer slaver and former Grandmaster of House Dres. Credited as its founder after an slave-raid over Thorn.

King Thassad II (?b - 2E 862)

The last 'High King' of Hammerfell, member of the Crowns or Na-Totambu. Upon his death by the treacherous hands of Forebears, Sentinel was retaken by the Forebears. His son, Prince A'tor, attempted to recapture the city but was eventually defeated by combined forces of the Forebears and Tiber Septim's fleet at the Battle of Hunding Bay near Stros M'Kai.

King Thian (?b - ?d)

King of Solitude in the late Third Era. He was the husband of Macalla, the Queen of Dawnstar.

Thonica (?b - ?d)

Consort of Uriel Septim V. Following the coronation of their son Uriel Septim VI in 3E 290, Thonica was given restricted Regency until Uriel fully assumed his position in 3E 307. She was said to enjoy her regency and hesitated to give her son reign.

Councilman Thoricles Romus (?b - ?d)

Thoricles is believed to be the Argonian who hired the assassins who claimed Queen Morihatha's life in 3E 339. He was rumored to be furious at her refusal to send troops to his troubled lands. Romus was tried and executed, though he protested his innocence.

Emperor Thules the Gibbering (?b - ?d)

A Nibenese witch-warrior who assumed control of the weakened Empire at some point during the Stormcrown Interregnum in the early Fourth Era. Not well-liked by the people and known for having various perversions, Thules was nonetheless favored by the Elder Council over Titus Mede, a Colovian warlord who also aspired to the Ruby Throne. Thules was overthrown in 4E 17 when Titus Mede captured the Imperial City.

Emperor Tiber Septim (?b - 3E 38)

Tiber Septim, também conhecido como General Talos, Hjalti Barba-Precoce, o Draconato e Ysmir, foi um imperador que se tornou uma das figuras mais famosas da história Tamriélica, reinando como Imperador Tiber Septim de 2E 854 até 3E 38. Acreditando-se que ele tenha nascido no continente Nórdico de Atmora em 2E 828, Tiber Septim começou sua carreira em serviço do rei Cyrodílico Cuhlecain, e ficou conhecido como General Talos. Nesta função, ele lutou para unificar Cyrodiil e finalmente toda Tamriel, um esforço que deu frutos em 3E 896, com o nascimento do Terceiro Império.

Ele também é responsável por declarar o início da Terceira Era no fim do mesmo ano. Ele reinou por 81 anos e é considerado por muitos o maior imperador da história. Tiber Septim deu seu nome à linhagem de Imperadores Cyrodílicos, os Septims. Tiber é reverenciado como um dos Nove Divinos sob o nome de Talos,, que significa "Coroa-Tormenta".

Para mais informações, veja o artigo da lore.

Provisional Governor Titus Alorius (?b - ?d)

Ficheiro:Lore-people-Titus Alorius.jpg
Titus Alorius, Provisional Governor of the Western Reach

Titus Alorius was one of the few Colovian officers who answered only to Tiber Septim, directly ruling the more rebellious of the newly conquered regions as provisional governors. In 2E 864, he was the civil and military administrator of the Western Reach, posted there to quell "banditry and lawlessness".

Emperor Titus Mede (?b - ?d)

Emperor during the early Fourth Era who came to power after the Oblivion Crisis. He was father to Prince Attrebus Mede and progenitor of the Mede Dynasty. Before his reign as Emperor, Titus Mede had been several things: a Colovian warlord, a soldier in an outlaw army, and a king in Cyrodiil. In 4E 17, he captured the Imperial City with less than a thousand men and seized control of the crumbling Empire from Thules the Gibbering. Although the Elder Council had preferred the rule of Thules because he was Nibenese, in the end they were persuaded to accept Titus Mede as a liberator rather than a conqueror.

Emperor Titus Mede II (?b - ?d)

Titus Mede II, Emperor of Tamriel during the Fourth Era. Soon after his coronation, he was pulled into the Great War by the Thalmor. He was visiting Skyrim aboard his personal transport vessel, The Katariah, in 4E 201. Some report that he was assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood, although conflicting reports claim the Dark Brotherhood was wiped out.

Sage Tjurhane Fyrre (1E 2790 - 2E 227)

One of the finest sages of the University of Gwilym and a rare civilized Ayleid (Wild Elf). His published work on Wild Elves suggests a lively, vibrant culture. Fyrre is one of the very few Ayleids to speak freely on his people and religion, and said the nature of the tribes of Ayleid are multi-hued, their personalities often wildly different from their neighbor tribes (Fyrre, T. "Nature of Ayleidic Poesy" p. 8, Univ of Gwilym Press, 2E 12).

Topal the Pilot (?b - ?d)

Topal the Pilot (also known as Torval the Pilot) was an Aldmer explorer and poet who discovered the Niben River and charted Tamriel's sea lanes in the Merethic Era. Topal sailed into Topal Bay (which was subsequently named after him) and up through the Niben River until he was deep in Cyrodiil. Here he taught the beastfolk natives how to read and write in exchange for the Eight Islands (the site of the Imperial City and White-Gold Tower). He made wide-ranging voyages, penetrating even into hostile environments such as Black Marsh, where he made some of the first recorded observations of Argonians: "manlike reptiles, fleet of foot and running the length of this great mire". Father Of The Niben is an epic describing Topal's voyages, but only fragments of the poem have survived. He is the patron saint of Leyawiin, where a statue of him can be found in the southwest corner of the town.

Torasa Aram (?b - ?d)

Torasa Aram was a wealthy Dunmer noblewoman who lived during the late Third Era. She used her wealth to establish the Museum of Artifacts, a museum in the Godsreach district of Mournhold. By offering large sums of money to adventurers, she was able to collect a significant number of artifacts, items of great and often divine power.

Her museum's collection was expanded greatly in 3E 427 due to the patronage of the Nerevarine, who sold many valuable artifacts to Torasa. In return for several donations made by the Nerevarine, Torasa parted with an ancient Dwemer Battle Shield from the Battle of Red Mountain. This shield contained a piece of Trueflame, the fractured blade of Nerevar which was later reforged by the Nerevarine.

As is the nature of great artifacts, many of the items from the museum's collection were not content to stay with one owner for long. Even by the time of the Oblivion Crisis in 3E 433, several artifacts had been reclaimed by their respective Daedric Princes, or had vanished to reappear elsewhere on Tamriel.

Captain Torradan ap Dugal (?b - c. 3E 286)

Torradan ap Dugal, "Scourge of the Abecean Sea, Terror of the Gold Coast, Cutthroat of Hunding Bay, and Lord Captain of the Red Sabre" was the infamous captain of a pirate fleet known as the Red Sabre, who preyed on unescorted supply ships along the Gold Coast during the Camoran Usurper.

For more information, see the main article.

Chieftain Torug gro-Igron (?b - ?d)

Orc chieftain who formed the first Orsinium in the Wrothgarian Mountains of High Rock. It grew from a few huts into a kingdom under his rule, though objective details on that kingdom are not known. Non-Orc paint a picture of a fortress ruled by savage law, leading raids on its neighbors along the Bjoulsae River. Orc historians call it a utopia, a peaceable land of agriculture and commerce. The truth is likely somewhere in between, but all written and archeological evidence was destroyed in the Siege of Orsinium. For thirty years, the joint military forces of Daggerfall, Sentinel, and the Ansei Order of the Diagna attempted to breach the seemingly impenetrable walls of Torug gro-Igron's fortress kingdom. In 1E 980, they succeeded, killing everyone within and razing it to the ground. but Torug was most likely already dead at that point, as King Golkarr ruled Orsinium during that time.

High King Torygg (?b - 4E 201)

High King Torygg was the Jarl of Solitude and High King of Skyrim until his death at the hands of Ulfric Stormcloak in 4E 201. Torygg's father Istlod ruled as High King for almost twenty-five years, and upon his death, the moot formally named Torygg his successor (despite the disruptive presence of Ulfric, who used the forum to voice his desire for Skyrim's independence). Torygg found Ulfric's calls for independence moving, and respected him for voicing such a bold, borderline treasonous opinion. That is why when Ulfric came to see him in Solitude, Torygg intended to hear more of his arguments for independence with an open mind; neither he nor his court suspected that Ulfric was there to challenge Torygg until it was too late to stop it.

According to Ulfric, he challenged Torygg for the right to be High King, knocked him to the ground with the thu'um, then dispatched him with a sword. Some others say Ulfric "shouted him to pieces" or "ripped him asunder". The Empire and a number of the Jarls, however, viewed the killing of Torygg not as the result of an honorable duel, but as regicide, due to the fact that Torygg was young and had only limited martial training, while Ulfric was a war veteran wielding the power of the thu'um, and moreover, that the duel had been Ulfric's first choice of action, rather than diplomacy. According to his court wizard Sybille Stentor, Torygg had held Ulfric in high regard, and he may have been persuaded if Ulfric had simply asked Torygg to stand with him. Upon Torygg's death, his beloved wife Elisif the Fair succeeded him as Jarl of Solitude, and sought to claim the title of High Queen, with the Empire's backing.

Emperor Tosh Raka (?b - ?d)

Tosh Raka was an emperor of Ka Po' Tun (or the "Tiger-Dragon Empire"), believed to have ruled some time towards the end of the Third Era. Through unknown methods, he purportedly transformed himself into a Dragon. Tosh Raka planned to conquer Akavir, and then set his sights on Tamriel.

Trechtus (?b - ?d)

The original name of Vanus Galerion, the founder of the Mages Guild and first Archmagister.

General Tullius (?b - ?d)

General Tullius was an Imperial General of the Legion. Originally from Cyrodiil, he was appointed Military Governor of Skyrim and tasked with crushing the Stormcloak Rebellion. Tullius firmly believed that Ulfric Stormcloak and his rebellion were a threat to the Empire which had to be eradicated, and that Ulfric was nothing more than a power-hungry usurper. Amongst supporters of the Empire, Tullius was commonly regarded as their best hope for victory. A very taciturn and serious man, he initially held little interest in Nordic culture, viewing it as nonsense, but eventually he learned to respect it. Tullius also despised the Thalmor, and believed the Stormcloak Rebellion was a mere interlude in the Empire's real conflict with the Aldmeri Dominion, even going so far as to remark that they almost made him want to throw in with the Stormcloaks. He believed the entire rebellion could be blamed on the Thalmor, who stirred it up to force the Empire to waste precious resources and soldiers. For more information, see the lore article.

Turala (?b - ?d)

A character in the historical fiction 2920, The Last Year of the First Era. In the series, the Dunmer woman is banished from House Redoran by Duke Brindisi Dorom (her former lover), becomes a witch of the Skeffington Coven in Phrygias, then summons Mehrunes Dagon to destroy Old Mourhold as an act of revenge after being led to believe the Duke was responsible for the coven's destruction.
