Lore:People V

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Jarl Valdimar (?b - 4E ?d)

Jarl of Winterhold during the Great Collapse. He lost family during the catastrophe, and some of his council insisted that the College of Winterhold was to blame. Arch-Mage Deneth wrote to him soon after denying the allegation and urging calm in a letter. Valdimar evidently believed the Arch-Mage, as the College survived the aftermath of the Collapse, although the denizens of Winterhold remained resentful and angry at the College decades later.

Valdur (?b - ?d)

Valdur was one of the Five Hundred Companions of Ysgramor. Legend says he was killed in battle while fighting the giant Sinmur. He was buried at Taarengrav, a barrow in the western Rift. During the Alliance War of 2E 582, the Order of the Black Worm sought to bind Valdur's spirit as part of a sinister plot, but were thwarted by agents of the Ebonheart Pact (with help from Valdur's spirit).

Valerica (?b - ?d)

Wife of Lord Harkon, leader of the Volkihar clan. After Harkon made a deal with Molag Bal to become Vampire Lords, Valerica gained the honorary title of Blood Matron of Castle Volkihar. Valerica, Harkon and their daughter Serana had a falling out as Harkon became determined to blot out the sun forever. He required the blood of a true Daughter of Coldharbour to power Auriel's Bow (either the blood of Valerica or Serana). To stop him, Valerica sealed herself and the Elder Scroll inside the Soul Cairn, and hid away Serana, as well, so Harkon could never complete his ritual with their blood. While Lord Harkon still somewhat cared for Serana, he has no remaining respect for his estranged wife. Upon Harkon's death, Valerica was finally able to leave the Soul Cairn and returned to her former castle.

Valkyn Skoria

Valkyn Skoria is a giant Dremora whose clan is based at the Knives of Discord, a region of the Deadlands. He serves Mehrunes Dagon as a Valkynaz (or 'prince'), a member of the Valkyn, Dagon's personal guard. Skoria rules over Red-Zeal Keep, a Sigil Keep found in the Knives of Discord region. The fact that a Valkynaz is posted away from Dagon's side would imply that the region is of particular importance or interest to the Prince.

In an attempt to enhance the destructive power of Skoria, Dagon experimented with mutating his vestige by imbuing it with certain aspects of the Flame Atronachs of Infernace. Although successful in this regard, the mutation forces Skoria to remain in close proximity to magma at all times in order to maintain his molten condition, and also means that he eternally suffers the agony of immolation.

In 2E 582, Bosmer cultists opened an Oblivion Gate in Whisper Grove in Valenwood that allowed a Daedric invasion from the Knives of Discord. After the death of the cult leader, Razor Master Erthas, Dagon proposed to seal the gate in return for the potential service of another Bosmer named Gilraen. However, Gilraen's husband Fingaenion reopened the Gate later that year in a failed invasion attempt in order to rescue her. Skoria's minions took the trapped invaders as prisoners, but Fingaenion managed to find a group of Undaunted and launch a second rescue mission. The group sliced through the Deadlands and eventually forced Skoria to face them in battle, where he was defeated. The keep's Sigil Stone was then taken, permanently severing the link to Tamriel and likely causing significant destruction in the region. Some of Skoria's powerful enchanted gear was also brought back to Tamriel by the Undaunted.

Lyranth the Foolkiller looks down upon Valkyn Skoria, and views him as too weak to serve her master Molag Bal. It is unknown if Skoria is a member of Dremora Clan.

Valus Odiil (?b - ?d)

Valus Odiil was an Imperial adventurer who wandered Tamriel in the late Third Era. He was an advanced user of heavy armor, having been taught by a Redguard soldier named Pranal in Hammerfell. He was once the wielder of the artifact Chillrend. Valus eventually settled down and had two sons, Antus and Rallus. He began working his ancestral farm just outside the city of Chorrol in Cyrodiil, and also owned a shack within the city. In 3E 433, too old to fight, he and his sons were driven from their farm by raiding goblins from the Great Forest. Unable to persuade the city guard to help, Valus enlisted the help of the Champion of Cyrodiil to aid his sons in reclaiming the farm.

Vanto (?b - ?d)

A renowned authority on magic. "Vanto's Third Law" deals with the "Conservation of Perception", and apparently dictates that absolute, permanent invisibility is impossible to achieve.

Vanus Galerion (?b - ?d)

Archmagister Vanus Galerion, or Trechtus, was the founder of the Mages Guild and one of the most famous users of magic in the history of Tamriel. He trained with the Psijic Order along with fellow student Mannimarco. He strongly opposed Mannimarco's practice of necromancy, and would eventually lead an army of mages in a massive battle against Mannimarco's legions of undead, where he was killed.

Emperor Varen Aquilarios (?b - ?d)

Varen Aquilarios was the son of a Duke of Colovia before becoming Emperor of the Empire of Cyrodiil when he overthrew Leovic, the last of the so-called Longhouse Emperors, after the latter had decriminalized Daedra worship in the Empire. He led an uprising against Leovic that culminated in the storming of the Imperial City; Varen slew Leovic personally in the Imperial Throne Room. He was then crowned Emperor and wed Leovic's widow, Clivia Tharn, to consolidate his rule. Varen subsequently led a group called the Five Companions on a two-year quest to recover the lost Amulet of Kings, which they eventually located in the ruins of Sancre Tor. Heeding the advice of Mannimarco, Varen planned to use the Amulet in a ritual to persuade Akatosh to make him a Dragonborn and therefore a legitimately-ordained Emperor. In 2E 579, as the ritual was attempted, Mannimarco altered it and triggered the catastrophe known as the Soulburst. Varen vanished in the chaos, and Clivia assumed the Imperial Throne as Empress Regent in his absence, setting Tamriel on a course for the Alliance War.

Duke Vedam Dren (?b - ?d)

Vedam Dren was Duke of the Imperial District of Vvardenfell, a province of Morrowind. Of noble descent, Dren was Hlaalu Grandmaster of the Vvardenfell district before he inherited his title. He ruled from the Grand Council Chambers in Ebonheart, surrounded by Dunmer and Imperial Counselors.

Vedam Dren was a Dunmer knight but also thought of himself as a noble, a leader and a diplomat. Vedam is the older brother of Camonna Tong head Orvas Dren, who runs the Dren Plantation, and the father of Ilmeni Dren, the leader of the abolitionist group Twin Lamps.

For more information see the full Lore article.

Saint Veloth the Pilgrim (?b - ?d)

São Veloth, também conhecido como Veloth, o Peregrino ou Veloth, o Profeta, foi um místico Chimer, vindo das Ilhas do Semprestio, na Era da Alvorada ou na Era Merética média. Ele é mais conhecido como o pai dos Dunmer, por ele e seus seguidores terem se separado de suas raízes Aldmeri e terem migrado em direção a sua nova terra, chamada Resdayn, agora conhecida como Morrowind. Após a sua morte, Veloth tornou-se indiscutivelmente uma das figuras mais veneradas da história dos Dunmer, e ficou conhecido como o santo padroeiro dos marginalizados e dos que buscam conhecimento espiritual.

Potentate Versidue-Shaie (?b - 2E 324)

A prominent Akaviri Potentate of the late First Era. He took over the Imperial throne after Reman III died, and declared martial law. In the Second Era, the Potentate had The Rose built on the ruins of Blackrose, which was still the most secure and notorious prison on Tamriel by the end of the Third Era. He passed the Guild Act in 2E 321, three years before his death, allowing what would become the Fighters Guild to be formed so merchants and vassals could protect themselves in lieu of a standing army. The Guild Act also ratified other guilds, notably the Mages Guild. He was assassinated in Senchal, apparently by the Morag Tong, as their name was drawn on the wall in the Potentate's blood. He was then succeeded by his heir, Savirien-Chorak. He was a character in the popular historical fiction 2920, The Last Year of the First Era.

Viarmo (?b - ?d)

Altmer Headmaster of the Bards College in 4E 201. When Jarl Elisif the Fair cancelled the annual festival known as the Burning of King Olaf, Viarmo was desperate to save the College's tradition. He had a student track down remnants of King Olaf's Verse, part of the Poetic Edda written by the bard Svaknir which criticized the King. It had been all but erased from history by the indignant King Olaf, but the student managed to find fragments of it. In a well-kept secret, Viarmo and the student took some liberties in re-creating the lost segments, then Viarmo performed their adaptation for Jarl Elisif. She was moved by his performance and allowed the festival to proceed, recognizing it as a righteous celebration opposing tyranny.

Viridian Sentinel

The Viridian Sentinel protects the human inhabitants of northern Bangkorai from beasts and witches that live in the forest. According to the legend of the Viridian Sentinel, long ago the Direnni had forged a covenant with the Earth Bones to protect their settlements from the wild. The Bretons, who displaced the Direnni, had no such arrangement, and as a result their farms in Bangkorai were gradually overrun by the wilderness. The people were pushed to the brink of starvation, causing a young boy to pray to Stendarr for salvation. Stendarr taught him to forge a new pact with the forest, giving him the power to restrain the natural creatures within. He thus became the first Viridian Sentinel.

The Viridian Sentinel has great power over the forest, and can use this power to perform potent magic. When the Glenmoril Wyrd became bound to the forest, they also gave some deference to the Sentinel due to that connection (though they had not been a party to the original pact). But over time, the Sentinel ages like any other human, and must pass on his or her power and title to a new mortal before death. Their eyes also age at a normal rate, and therefore a Sentinel usually requires a monocle when reading to counteract deteriorating eyesight.

By 2E 582, both the spirits of the forest and the Glenmoril Wyrd had become resentful regarding the Viridian Sentinel's "unnatural" control of the woods, and the use of the forest's power to benefit humans. The Wyrd in particular questioned the legitimacy of the covenant that had created the Sentinel. Both spirits and wyresses continued to grudgingly honor the pact, performing their own parts in the rite that passed on power to a new Sentinel, but they attempted to delay the ritual, and even subtly encouraged an outsider to sabotage the process.

Vittoria Vici (?b - ?d)

An Imperial noble and first cousin to Emperor Titus Mede II. She held a prominent position as a merchant in the East Empire Company charged with overseeing their business holdings in Solitude, a position she was quick to defend against accusations of nepotism. In 4E 201, she was engaged to Asgeir Snow-Shod, whose family had connections to the Stormcloaks, and their marriage was seen as a step towards reconciliation. Some reports suggest she was assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood at her own wedding, although others claim the Brotherhood was previously wiped out.

Baron Volag (?b - ?d)

Baron Volag was the leader of the Redguard Forbear faction during Hammerfell's conquest by Tiber Septim's Empire. When the High King of Hammerfell Thassad II died of natural causes, Volag intended to usurp his son Prince A'tor and take the throne of Hammerfell for himself. After suffering initial losses, desperation led him to invite the Imperials to assist him in the civil war against Forbears' rival faction, the Crowns, who supported Prince A'tor. Despite the initial enthusiasm over their victory, climaxing in Forbear pogroms of the remaining Crowns, Baron Volag was disillusioned with the overwhelming residual Imperial presence, who began treating Hammerfell as their own territory. He mysteriously vanished from the capital of Sentinel, his position quickly entrusted to Provisional Governor Senecus Goddkey. He eventually came out of hiding to retake Sentinel from the Imperials by force, after another Crown-backed rebellion had occurred on the isle of Stros M'Kai. Combined, they resulted with the First Treaty of Stros M'Kai, with terms more favorable to the Redguards and the eventual integration of Hammerfell as a province to the rapidly expanding Empire.

King Vrage (?b - ?d)

King Vrage, also called "Vrage the Gifted" and "Vrage the Butcher", was a ruler of Skyrim in the First Era. He ascended to the throne after his brother Hjalmer's death in 1E 222.

He initiated a phase of expansion in Skyrim, conquering Morrowind and High Rock around 1E 240 and setting the kingdom on a path that would lead to the First Empire of the Nords in the following years. This astounding success is sometimes attributed to Sai, the God of Luck. He is said to have slaughtered many Ayleid refugees who fled to Skyrim after their empire fell in 1E 243. Along with his father Harald, King Vrage can be credited with leading Man's rise to dominance over Mer in Tamriel.

Vraseth (?b - ?d)

A Nede from ancient Skyrim, Vraseth was a member of the nomadic tribe who came across Lamae Bal after she had been infected with vampirism. He was involved in her attempted cremation, and was brutally raped when she awoke on the pyre. The Vraseth vampire bloodline was named after him, implying he was infected with vampirism.

Vuljotnaak (?b - 4E 201)

Vuljotnaak is a green dragon whose name means "Dark Maw Eat" in the Dragon Language.

The circumstances surrounding his death are contradictory and not well understood. The Dragonguard dated his death to during or just after the Dragon War of the Merethic Era, according to ancient documents recovered from the Dragon Cult. However, engravings found on an Akaviri burial mask depict Vuljotnaak being "devoured" by a hissing serpent (likely a Tsaesci), which would place his death sometime after 1E 2703. Despite what this depiction would imply, his soul was not devoured by a Dragonborn. Instead, like many dragons, his remains were retrieved by members of the Dragon Cult, and he was buried in a dragon mound near the settlement of Granite Hill in Skyrim. The location of his grave was later documented by the Blades in 2E 373.

In 4E 201, Vuljotnaak was returned to life by Alduin. He was later killed by the Last Dragonborn and his soul was consumed, preventing him from ever again being resurrected.

Vychamp (?b - ?d)

Self-styled leader of the Mercenary Guild. He emasculated the children of Nesmyt due to jealousy over his spouse. This hindered Nesmyt when he joined the Mages Guild, as he needed to pledge fealty to Vychamp if he hoped to rise in rank, but would not do so because of the crimes Vychamp had committed against him.

Arch-Curate Vyrthur (?b - 4E 201)

Vyrthur was a Snow Elf and the Arch-Curate of Auri-El who for millennia sought vengeance against his one-time patron for allowing him to become a vampire. He was the brother of Knight-Paladin Gelebor, the only other uncorrupted Snow Elf known to have survived beyond the First Era.

In 4E 201, Gelebor met the Last Dragonborn and requested that the hero kill Vyrthur in exchange for Auriel's Bow, which was in Vyrthur's possession. Gelebor unknowingly playing right into his brother's hands, for the Last Dragonborn unwittingly brought the Arch-Curate exactly what he wanted: Serana, a Daughter of Coldharbour, a being of the purest evil in Tamriel. Vyrthur sought revenge on Auri-El through the sundering of the sun, which serves as the connection between Aetherius, the plane of the gods, and Mundus, which would thus eliminate Auri-El's influence on Nirn. This was to be achieved through the corruption of Auri-El's bow, accomplished by soaking it in the blood of a Daughter of Coldharbour. He had long ago publicized a prophecy called the Tyranny of the Sun, that was later revealed within the Elder Scrolls, with the intent of drawing such a person to him. Fortunately, Serana and her companion were able to defeat and kill Vyrthur before he could bring his vengeance to fruition.
