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Jarl Laila Law-Giver (?b - ?d)

Jarl of Riften in 4E 201. During her reign, she refused to accept that the Thieves Guild were a major concern, or to acknowledge the influence they had. The Guild and powerful local crime bosses limited her ability to control the Rift. She had two sons, Harrald and Saerlund, although Saerlund was largely shunned due to his open and ardent dislike of Ulfric Stormcloak. Laila was publicly a supporter of the Stormcloaks; however, privately, she had little faith in Ulfric's leadership.

King Laloriaran Dynar (?b - 2E 582)

Laloriaran Dynar (meaning "Ruler in Dark Times") was the famous Last King of the Ayleids. He ruled the city of Nenalata in Cyrodiil and founded the city of Bisnensel in High Rock. In the Second Era, he played a prominent role in stopping Molag Bal's Planemeld.

Lamae Bal (?b - ?d)

Lamae Beolfag (better known as Lamae Bal or the Blood Matron) was a Nedic priestess of Arkay who found herself brutally raped by Molag Bal in the wilds of Skyrim. Once Molag Bal finished his attack he left a single droplet of blood on the injured girl's brow before disappearing back into Oblivion.

Shortly afterward the comatose Lamae was discovered by a tribe of human nomads, who took her in and attempted to care for her wounds. As the tribe tended to the young woman, they noticed her injuries begin to rapidly heal on their own. Horrified, the tribe attempted to cremate Lamae, but as the pyre was lit Lamae awoke from her coma. She had become the very first vampire.

Disoriented and enraged, Lamae began to massacre the nomads. She eviscerated the women and children, and raped the men as savagely as Molag Bal had raped her. After finishing her rampage, Lamae began to return to her senses. Horrified at her recent actions and what she had become, she desperately prayed to Arkay for help. But no matter how many time she called upon him Arkay did not answer. Embittered by Molag Bal's attack and Arkay's subsequent betrayal, Lamae cursed them both and began to turn Arkay's followers to spite him.

Lamae later founded a cult of vampires, its core tenet being hatred for both Arkay and Molag Bal. Those infected with vampirism who found their way to the cult's headquarters in Coldharbour would be given the option to engage in the cult's initiation ritual known as the Rite of the Scion. During the Rite vampires would experience visions of Lamae's past, and profane symbols of Arkay and Molag Bal. After the first part of the ritual was completed, the initiate would submerge themselves in a pool of water and be completely drained of their blood by the cult's priests. If the initiate was deemed worthy Lamae Bal herself would appear and revive them with her own blood, enhancing their powers and making them a full member of her coven.

Lamae was seemingly the progenitor of the Lyrezi, Selenu and Vraseth bloodlines, which are named after Nedic tribesmen whom she raped.

Emperor Leovic (?b - ?d)

The last of the Reachman dynasty called the Longhouse Emperors who ruled the Empire of Cyrodiil during the Interregnum. Leovic married Clivia Tharn, daughter of Elder Council High Chancellor and Imperial Battlemage Abnur Tharn, before succeeding his father Moricar as Emperor.[1] In 2E 573, he commissioned The Emperor's Guide to Tamriel, a comprehensive text describing the histories and cultures of each of Tamriel's provinces. Duke Varen Aquilarios of Chorrol led a popular rebellion against the eccentric Leovic after he outraged the populace by legalizing Daedra worship. The Longhouse Emperor's reign was brought to an end when Varen stormed the Imperial City and killed him in the Imperial Throne Room.

Lhotun (3E 393 - ?d)

King Lhotun was born to King Camaron and Queen Akorithi of Sentinel in 3E 393. He was brother to Aubk-i and Greklith.

For more information, see the lore article.

Councilor Lleril Morvayn (?b - ?d)

The House Redoran Councilor of Raven Rock and ruler of Solstheim. His actual influence didn't spread far beyond Raven Rock without the resources of the ebony mine. He took over from his mother, Brara, in 4E 65, and was known as a fair and compassionate leader more concerned with the welfare of his people than his coffers. He was close friends with the Second Councilor of Raven Rock, Adril Arano, and Adril's wife Cindiri. Much of his history before 4E 201 is recounted in History of Raven Rock. In that year, another attempt on his life by House Hlaalu sympathizers was foiled, and the outlook of his kingdom was improved by the reopening of Raven Rock's mine.

Saint Llothis the Pious (?b - ?d)

Patron of Tailors and Dyers. Contemporary and companion of the Tribunals, and the best-loved Alma Rula of the Tribunal Temple, he formulated the central rituals and principles of the New Temple Faith. Saint Llothis is the symbolic mortal bridge between the gods and the faithful, and the archetypal priest. His staff is a greatly prized artifact of the Tribunal Temple.

High King Logrolf (?b - 2E 431)

High King of Skyrim during the final years of the Akaviri Potentate. Logrolf was assassinated in 2E 431 following the collapse of the Second Empire, and left behind a daughter, Freydis, as his presumptive heir. Jarl Svartr of Solitude disputed Freydis' legitimacy, causing a schism over the succession that resulted in the partitioning of Skyrim into Eastern and Western kingdoms.

Lord Lovidicus (?b - 3E 433)

The Lord Lovidicus was an Imperial nobleman of high birth who lived in Cyrodiil during the Third Era. He was stricken with vampirism and became undead, but managed to hide his secret and continued to pose as a mortal. He resided in Crowhaven, a fort in County Anvil along the Gold Coast. He was likely a member of the Cyrodiil Vampyrum Order.

After two hundred years of walking Tamriel as a vampire, Lord Lovidicus fell in love with an Orc servant named Luktuv gro-Malog. Miraculously, Lovidicus impregnated Luktuv, and they decided to name the child Agronak. Blinded by love, he told her of his secret. Luktuv was appalled and fled the fortress, locking Lovidicus in his private quarters. Trapped, he slowly went insane as his hunger for blood grew, and Crowhaven was left for ruin. The fort's burial halls became home to a group of feral vampires.

Luktuv moved to the Imperial City and had a son. Apparently gifted with inhuman abilities due to his vampiric lineage, Agronak gro-Malog went on to become the Grand Champion of the Imperial City Arena, and became famously known as the Gray Prince. Luktuv told him of his noble birth, but fabricated a story of being chased from the fort by a jealous Lady Lovidicus in favor of telling Agronak that his father was a vampire. There is no proof that Lady Lovidicus ever existed.

In 3E 433, Luktuv died. Before she passed away, she gave Agronak the key to the private quarters of Crowhaven, telling him it would unlock the secret of his birth. Agronak was anxious to prove his birthright and show the world that an Orc can be noble in blood as well as deed, but his training prevented him from journeying to Crowhaven. In his place, he sent a fellow Arena combatant. The combatant freed Lord Lovidicus, but after decades of hunger, the vampire attacked the combatant and was slain. The combatant located the Journal of the Lord Lovidicus and returned it to Agronak. Although grateful, Agronak was devastated to learn that he was "a monster", and became suicidal. As such, he made no attempt to fight back when challenged for his rank, and died in the Arena later that year.

Lucien Lachance (?b - 3E 433)

Lucien Lachance, an Imperial assassin, was a Speaker for the Black Hand of the Dark Brotherhood in the late Third Era. He was killed in 3E 433.

In his youth, Lachance traveled to Skyrim and visited the city of Riften. He was once in possession of the Blade of Woe. He became the Speaker for the Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood sanctuary when the previous Speaker was killed while fulfilling a contract. He took up residence in the abandoned Fort Farragut just outside the city, and was responsible for recruiting new members to the sanctuary. He was also the one to order the Purification of the sanctuary in 3E 433 when the Black Hand discovered that the Brotherhood had been infiltrated by a traitor. He named the assassin who carried out the Purification as his new Silencer, to replace his previous Silencer who had died carrying out a contract. He passed on his undead horse, Shadowmere, to the new Silencer.

His Silencer was subsequently manipulated by the true traitor, Mathieu Bellamont. The Silencer then systematically assassinated half of the Black Hand, and, unknowingly, framed Lachance as the traitor. By the time Lachance had stopped his Silencer, Ungolim, the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, had already been slain. Lachance went into hiding while his Silencer attempted to clear his name, but the remaining members of the Black Hand tracked him down to an abandoned farmstead at Applewatch and murdered him. His Silencer took his place as Speaker, and was later named Listener by the Night Mother when Bellamont attempted to destroy her and failed. The Night Mother would later clear Lucien's name.

In death, Lachance went to the Void to join Sithis, the Dread Father of the Dark Brotherhood. In 4E 201, his spirit was bound to the new Listener of the Dark Brotherhood. He could be summoned as a spectral assassin, to aid the Listener in combat or offer advice.

Lyrezi (?b - ?d)

A Nede from ancient Skyrim, Lyrezi was a member of the nomadic tribe who came across Lamae Bal after she had been infected with vampirism. He was involved in her attempted cremation, and was brutally raped when she awoke on the pyre. The Lyrezi vampire bloodline was named after him, implying he was infected with vampirism.

Lyrisius (?b - ?d)

A hero of the First Era. Lyrisius was responsible for defeating the Akaviri slavetraders. His tale is recounted in The Story of Lyrisius.

King Lysandus (3E 354 - 3E 403)

Lysandus was King of Daggerfall. He was born to Arslan II and Nulfaga in the year 3E 354. He eventually married Mynisera, with whom he had a son Gothryd, who succeeded him as king. His life was cut short after 57 years in 3E 403 when he died during the War of Betony, in what was later revealed to be a trap set by Lord Woodborne of Wayrest.

As king, Lysandus was a trusted vassal of Uriel Septim VII. During his rule, the kingdom of Daggerfall became the mightiest power within the Iliac Bay, to the disfavor of the kingdoms of Sentinel and Wayrest. Although his loyalty to the empire of Tamriel was assured, his faithfulness to his wife Mynisera was not so distinct. He had numerous affairs over the years; his last liaison was with the former court sorceress of Daggerfall, Medora Direnni. Lysandus' rule was also affected by frequent infighting between the three major kingdoms of the bay. One of these struggles finally cost Lysandus' life.

During the War of Betony, he was killed on the evening before the decisive battle. Reportedly Lysandus and his companions were ambushed and put down by a group of Orcs while they were en route to the battlefield. His son and only child Gothryd was left to lead the armies of Daggerfall against the forces of Sentinel on the plains of Cryngaine Field. In a direct joust Gothryd killed the King of Sentinel, Camaron, ending the War of Betony with an overall victory for Daggerfall.

Mysteriously, Lysandus' corpse was entombed at an unknown place. However, his spirit did not find rest after his death. For years, he and his spectral army haunted the city of Daggerfall, spreading fear and dread to the citizens, until his spirit was put to rest by the Hero of Daggerfall.
