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Calaxes Septim (?b - 3E 398)

A bastard son of Emperor Uriel Septim VII, given the Archbishopric of The One in the Church of the Nine Divines. During Calaxes' reign as Archbishop, tensions grew between himself and the Emperor due to Calaxes' views on the secularity of government, and the Emperor's legislation to limit the Church's authority. Rumors grew that Calaxes was advocating a rebellion to establish a theocracy, and soon afterwards he was assassinated on the 29th of Sun's Dusk 3E 398, in the Temple of the One, supposedly by the Imperial Guard, because of the threat he represented.

Calcelmo of Markarth (?b - ?d)

Calcelmo of Markarth, Scholar of Markarth, was an Altmer conjurer of great renown who dedicated himself to researching the Dwemer. He and his nephew Aicantar studied the Dwemer ruins beneath Markarth. He is the author of the series of books known simply as Dwarves. His next expected work is a book on the translation of the Falmer language which is tentatively titled Calcelmo's Guide to the Falmer Tongue. For other historical information, see the lore article.

Calixto Corrium (?b - 4E 201)

Calixto Corrium was an Imperial who lived a life of leisure in Windhelm during the Fourth Era. He used to go adventuring with his sister Lucilla until she passed away. After that, he settled down and opened Calixto's House of Curiosities to put on display the assortment of curiosities he had collected, such as The Book of Fate and Ysgramor's Soup Spoon. At one point, he was a member of the College of Winterhold. For more information, see the lore article.

Callisos (?b - ?d)

A famous traveling bard, and one of the most illustrious alumni of the Bards College. The Flame of Callisos constantly flickering next to the steps of the College was named after him. It is said that as long as the flame burns, the College will stand.

King Camaron (3E 368 - 3E 403)

Camaron (or Cameron), King of Sentinel, was born in 3E 368. Husband to Queen Akorithi, father of Aubk-i in 3E 386, Greklith in 3E 392, and Lhotun in 3E 393. His conflict with King Lysandus of Daggerfall over who ruled the Isle of Betony sparked the War of Betony in 3E 402. He died at the Battle of Cryngaine Field in 3E 403, killed in a duel with Lysandus' heir Gothryd that ended the war.

King Camoran Anaxemes (?b - ?d)

The Bosmer king of Valenwood during the formation of the Aldmeri Dominion in 2E 830.

Queen Carolyna (3E 368 - 3E 392)

Queen of Wayrest, wife of King Eadwyre. Mother to Elysana in 3E 389.

King Casimir II (?b - ?d)

King of Wayrest in the early Second Era. He was one of the rulers over the years who made a deal to protect the dragon Nahfahlaar, though the Dragonguard successfully ended this arrangement in 2E 369.

Emperor Cassynder (?b - 3E 202)

When Cassynder became Emperor at the death of his mother, Empress Katariah, in 3E 200, he was already middle-aged. Only half-elven, he aged like a Breton (like his father, Pelagius Septim III). In fact, he had left the rule of Wayrest to his half-brother Uriel due to poor health. Nevertheless, as the only true blood relation of Pelagius, and thus Tiber Septim, he was pressed into accepting the throne. His rule was a short as he died after only two years on the throne in 3E 202, succeeded by his adopted half-brother, Uriel Lariat (Uriel IV).

Cassyr Whitley (?b - ?d)

A character in the popular historical fiction 2920, The Last Year of the First Era, it's unknown if he was an historical figure. According to the novels, he was a Breton who spied for Vivec in 1E 2920 during the Four-Score War, but made a bad assumption and gained a bad reputation across the continent as a terrible spy. He hated Vivec for that and, in an act of revenge lied, to the mighty witch Turala about her child's killers in order to make her summon Mehrunes Dagon and destroy Old Mournhold.

Empress Caula Voria (3E?b - ?d)

The wife of Uriel Septim VII who bore him his three legitimate sons, Princes Geldall, Enman, and Ebel. One source suggests that she died a short time after the birth of their third child, some time between 3E 380 and 3E 382, while another indicates she was still alive after the Imperial Simulacrum, and so must still have been alive at least in the early years of the Third Era's Fifth Century. She was said to be a beautiful and charming woman, greatly loved and admired by the people. However, she was also called a deeply unpleasant, arrogant, ambitious, grasping woman who "snared" Uriel VII with her feminine wiles. They ultimately held a great deal of animosity for each other, presumably to the detriment of their children. Uriel VII had two known children to whom she was not the mother.

Loremaster Celarus (?b - ?d)

Leader of the Psijics for at least 290 years as of 3E 400. (Waughin Jarth records him as the leader of the Order as far back as at least 3E 110). He was the author of The Old Ways. Response to Bero's Speech mentions a sage by the name of Celarus, though it's unclear if they're the same person.

King Cenedelin (?b - ?d)

Ayleid king of Delodiil during its war with Abagarlas, which he razed using power granted by Meridia.

Emperor Cephorus I (?b - 3E 140)

Son of Emperor Pelagius II, brother to Potema, Magnus, and Antiochus. He was involved in the War of the Red Diamond in 3E 121. After capturing and the subsequent death of Emperor Uriel III at the Battle of Ichidag in 3E 127 he continued on to the Imperial Palace and was crowned Emperor. Cephorus' reign is marked by nothing but war. By all accounts, he was a kind and intelligent man, but what Tamriel needed was a great warrior, and that he was. It still took an additional ten years of constant warfare for him to defeat his sister Potema. Cephorus died in 3E 140. Sources seem to differ on whether and when he married. Brief History of the Empire claims he never married during the many years he spent at war. The historical fiction The Wolf Queen suggests he eventually took a wife, a Redguard named Bianki, with whom he ruled Gilane, Hammerfell. The Madness of Pelagius states that he never married and died childless.

Emperor Cephorus II (?b - ?d)

Cephorus II was chosen as emperor by vote of the Elder Council in 3E 247, since he was a cousin more closely related to the original Septim line than was Emperor Uriel IV's son, Andorak. For the first nine years of Cephorus II's reign, those loyal to Andorak battled the Imperial forces. Of course, Cephorus II had foes that demanded more of his attention than Andorak. "From out of a cimmerian nightmare", in the words of Eraintine, a man known as the Camoran Usurper (rumored to be a lich) had led an army of daedra and undead warriors on a rampage through Valenwood and beyond, conquering kingdom after kingdom. None could resist his onslaughts, and as month turned to bloody month, fewer even tried. Cephorus II sent more and more mercenaries into Hammerfell to stop the Usurper's northward march, but they were bribed, turned into undead, or slaughtered. In short, the destruction of the forces of the Usurper had little do with efforts of the Emperor. The result was a great regional victory and an increase in hostility toward the seemingly ineffective Empire. Rebellions started under his reign would continue for decades. His reign ended in 3E 268. Emperors before him had "revered" Bretons, but Cephorus was a Nord with Skyrim and Morrowind sympathies, which irked the common man in High Rock.

Warlord Ceyran (?b - 1E 1102)

Warlord Ceyran was a minor Ayleid warlord from the middle of the First Era. He was a member of the Rulanyil clan and a rumored devotee of Molag Bal. It is unknown if he was born in the clan's original home of Vilverin before the Ayleid purges in Cyrodiil, or in Rulanyil's Fall after his clan fled to Valenwood. Ceyran is most famous for building and losing three separate dominions during his long life. He was eventually killed by an unknown assassin in 1E 1102, and supposedly interred in Rulanyil's Fall.

By the time of the Interregnum, the ruins of Rulanyil's Fall had been converted into a private museum by a group called the Merethic Society. The centerpiece of the museum was the body of Ceyran, which was actually the corpse of an Altmer member of the Merethic Society who had died in a cave-in while repurposing the ruins. In 2E 582, the Worm Cult invaded the ruins in an attempt to resurrect Ceyran as a powerful undead servant. Fearing that the body would be exposed as an imposter, the Merethic Society sent adventurers into the ruins to prevent the ritual. The cultists only succeeded in binding Nanwen's awakened spirit to a sword, which the Society agreed to part with in order to continue displaying the corpse.

Cherim (?b - ?d)

Cherim was a famous Khajiiti tapestry maker who lived in Orcrest during the late Third Era. At the height of his success he had four factories creating replicas of his works and his originals were sold for extraordinary prices. Cherim's Heart of Anequina records his interview with Livillus Perus, where he discussed one of his first tapestries, the Heart of Anequina, depicting Cherim's involvement in the Heart of Anequina during the Five Year War.

Chimere Graegyn (?b - ?d)

Chimere Graegyn, later known as Old Man Chimere, was a retainer of the ambitious Direnni clan and a master of conjuration. He dared to scheme against Mehrunes Dagon, and won. When his trick succeeded, Dagon was cast into Oblivion. However, in the instant of his betrayal, Dagon struck out against the mortal who tricked him. Chimere's pact assured that he would live forever in his home town among the happy voices of his friends and countrymen. Twisting the literal words of Chimere's pact, Dagon scooped up tiny Caecilly Island (a small island off the coast of Northmoor) and hurled in into the void. All Chimere's friends and countrymen were instantly killed, though the sounds of their voices remained to torment Chimere's memory. Chimere was condemned to live forever, to grow progressively old and crippled with arthritis, and to contemplate the tragic consequences of his defiance of fate and fortune in cheating a Daedra Lord.

For more information, see the main lore article.

Cicero (?b - ?d)

Cicero was an Imperial assassin and Keeper of the Dark Brotherhood. As Keeper, he was responsible for caring for the Night Mother's body and casket. Little is known of him before 4E 186, when he arrived at the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Cheydinhal and started keeping a journal detailing some of his many contracts. When the Night Mother’s crypt in Bravil was desecrated, the coffin was brought to Cheydinhal, and Cicero was appointed Keeper. He was an accomplished assassin who was extremely deadly with a dagger, and while honored to become Keeper, he was reluctant to abandon his work. Before starting his new duties, he was allowed one last assassination, an unnamed jester whose laughter Cicero never forgot. As the Dark Brotherhood slowly deteriorated over the years, Cicero fled to Skyrim with the Night Mother's body, where one last chapter of the organization remained active. He hoped to find a haven for the Night Mother, and to find a Listener who could rejuvenate the Brotherhood. For more information, see the lore article.

Empress Regent Clivia Tharn (?b - ?d)

A member of the prominent Tharn dynasty, the sixteenth daughter of Abnur Tharn. She married the Reachman Leovic, the last of the so-called Longhouse Emperors, and served as his consort. When Leovic was overthrown and killed in a violent rebellion for legalizing Daedra worship in the Empire, he was briefly replaced by his killer, Varen Aquilarios, the Colovian leader of the uprising, who wed Clivia to consolidate his rule. In 2E 579, Varen mysteriously disappeared during a calamity known as the Soulburst, and Clivia was quickly declared Empress Regent of the Empire in his stead. This aroused suspicions that Clivia and her father were responsible for Varen's disappearance.

Corda (?b - ?d)

A character from the popular historical fiction 2920, The Last Year of the First Era, whether she was an actual historical figure is unknown. She was depicted as Redguard Morag Tong assassin from Hegathe, Hammerfell (but widely known as an initiate of the Morwha conservatorium). Corda's sister, Rijja was executed by her former lover Reman III in 1E 2920. After her sister's execution, Corda became his next lover but she killed him as an act of revenge at the very end of the year. After that she was sent by the Night Mother to Vounoura, an island for Morag Tong assassins who became too famous to continue their crusade.

Lord Corvus Direnni (?b - 1E ?d)

A powerful conjurer of the Direnni clan. His spell secrets were recorded in his Grimoire. Along with his contemporary Calani Direnni, he was a pioneer of the modern School of Conjuration. Their binding rituals are still used when summoning lesser daedra. However, Corvus in particular is lauded for codifying its rules. He was apparently the first conjurer to interweave the summoning and binding of a daedra into a single spell, making the practice exponentially safer. He took part in the Battle of Glenumbra Moors circa 1E 482, where his conjured creatures played a pivotal role.

Corvus was the first to theorize that the wayshrines of Tamriel correspond to the pattern of stars in the night sky, and that they could be used as some sort of transportation network. He also used Ayleid research to devise and then promulgate the standard "portal" spells which were later put into use by the Mages Guild.

King Cruethys (?b - 1E? d)

King of Ebonheart in the early First Era. He inherited the throne from his father, King Kronin. Upon his death, his brother Moraelyn inherited the throne. He also had a stepbrother, Ephen.

Count Csaran (?b - ?d)

The second Lord of Vitharn, the keep which his father Count Vitharn had formed from the mud of Dementia in the Shivering Isles. Vitharn and Countess Mawean had one other child, Csaran's sister Nweala. When he ascended to the throne, Csaran seemed a normal, competent ruler, and came to marry the Argonian Sheen-in-Glade. However, his persistent infidelity eventually caused Sheen-in-Glade to snap, and they began to sleep with one another less often (the only son Sheen-in-Glade bore disappeared from the Shivering Isles in his twentieth year). Csaran maintained an incestuous relationship with his sister, Nweala, and they sired a single son—the malformed and sadistic heir apparent, Cesrien.

Emperor Cuhlecain, the Emperor Zero (?b - 2E 854)

The petty king of Falkreath, he enlisted the help of General Talos to unite the Colovian Estates of Cyrodiil in under a year. He went on to attack and capture the Imperial City, proclaiming himself Emperor in 2E 854. Before he was formally crowned, he was assassinated by a High Rock nightblade. His death led to the crowning instead of General Talos, later known as Tiber Septim, who subsequently waged the Tiber Wars to create the Third Empire of Tamriel. Talos later honored him by founding the Cult of Emperor Zero to worship him. Some think it was actually Talos who murdered him.

Cyril Vinticae (?b - ?d)

The governor of Dawnstar when it was besieged by the glacier tribes. Responsible for banishing the town's four champions, rightfully suspecting that one was a traitor in league with the tribes.

Cyrus (2E 839 - ?d)

Cyrus, o Rubraguarda (ou Sura em Yoku) foi um herói do fim da Segunda Era.

Cyrus nasceu na cidade de Sentinela em 2E 831. Seu pai era um leal Coroa e um famoso dramaturgo de comédia. Ele tinha uma irmã mais velha chamada Iszara. Na infância, Cyrus trabalhava nas docas da cidade de Sentinela e almejava se tornar um pirata. Foi nas docas que conhecera o capitão pirata meio-Nord, Tobias. No início das Guerras Tiber em 2E 852, em meio as tensões de uma guerra civil entre os Coroas e os Predecessores, Iszara casou-se com um ator Predecessor chamado Hakan.

As opiniões políticas de Hakan influenciaram o jovem Cyrus, que confrontou seu pai questionando a sua lealdade ao Rei. Procurando por fim ao conflito, o pai de Cyrus escreveu uma nobre peça sobre a história dos Ra Gada e dos Na-Totambu, os antecedentes das duas faccções políticas de Martelfell. A peça foi um grande sucesso e conseguiu diminuir as tensões de uma guerra civil pelos próximos anos. Hakan, no entanto, ficou furioso com seu sogro por causar a deserção de sua milícia Predecessora. Em uma noite de celebrações, Hakan, bêbado, o confrontou e acabou golpeando Iszara, que tentou intervir. Cyrus foi em defesa de sua irmã, e duelou com Hakan até a morte. Cyrus então fugiu de Sentinela, juntando-se a tripulação de Tobias.

Pelos próximos anos, Cyrus trabalhou como mercenário e assassino para S'rathra, viajando por toda Tamriel. Foi durante esse tempo que ele ajudou a libertar um acampamento de escravos Dunmer próximo a Tear. Este trabalho continuou até 2E 864, quando recebeu uma carta de Tobias declarando que, aparentemente, sua irmã havia desaparecido na ilha de Stros M'Kai seguindo a Batalha da Baía Hunding. Ele partiu de Pedra Alta e largou a vida de mercenário, para nunca mais voltar.

Ao chegar na ilha, Cyrus entregou o amuleto ao Lorde Richton do necromante Sload chamado N'Gasta. Richton logo se rebelou e o jogou nas catacumbas do palácio. Depois de lutar para sair, Cyrus aprendeu que uma organização rebelde chamada Liga Incessante tentou depôr a ocupação Imperial da ilha. Ele entrou em contato com os rebeldes e descobriu que Iszara esteve trabalhando com eles até seu desaparecimento. Após uma série de pistas, Cyrus finalmente descobriu que Iszara tinha sido tomada prisioneira pelo necromante N'Gasta, que vendeu sua alma para Clavicus Vile. Usando o Flasco de Lillandril, Cyrusderrotou N'Gasta e resgatou a alma de sua irmão de do reino de Vile em Oblivion.

Durante seu tempo na ilha, Cyrus também derrotou o rei goblin, recuperou uma engrenagem antiga das minas Dwemer para consertar o observatório da ilha, e ajudou os Yokudans na ilha a saírem da armadilha de almas de N'Gasta. Após descobrir que o corpo do Príncipe A'tor foi secretamente mantido em estase pela Liga, Cyrus retornou às catacumbas do palácio e matou o dragão Nafaalilargus para recuperar o amuleto que ele havia entregue originalmente, que na verdade era a gema de alma que continha a alma do príncipe. A Liga então tentou ressuscitar A'tor, mas em vez disso sua alma fundida com a espada, criando um poderoso artefato conhecido como a Espada d'Alma. Cyrus reuniu os rebeldes desanimados tomando a espada e liderando um ataque no palácio. Ele matou Richton e o assassino Dramenquanto eles tentavam escapar em uma aeronave.

Com a morte do governador provisório da ilha, os rebeldes conseguiram negociar um tratado de paz mais favorável para Martelfell, por mais que remanescesse parte do Terceiro Império. Nada se sabe do futuro de Cyrus, por mais que ele tivesse ambições de procurar pelo Olho de Argonia e Pântano Negro. Entretanto, sua reputação continuou a viver na forma de uma antiga canção de marujo.


  1. ^  Words and Philosophy, the only source mentioning Calaxes, gives his date of death as "the 29th of Sun's Dusk 3E 498". However, the Third Era ended in the year 433, so this is impossible. Given this and the lifespan of Calaxes' father, Uriel Septim VII, it's most likely this is a misprint of 3E 398.
