Lore:Bestiary A

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Abecean Halibut

An Abecean halibut

A type of fish that can be found in Malabal Tor.

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Abecean Longfin

An abecean longfin

Abecean Longfins are fish that can be caught in ponds, lakes, and other bodies of water. They can be used as an alchemic ingredient.

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Air Atronach

Air Atronach

Air Atronachs are a new type of elemental created by the Serpent, who has corrupted and taken control of the Mage's atronach army in Craglorn. They supposedly possess the combined power of a flame, frost and storm atronach. Mehrunes Dagon was quick to adopt them as servants soon after their creation.

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Akaviri Wrasse

An Akaviri wrasse

A type of fish that can be found in Stonefalls.

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Akulakhan from below, as seen in Morrowind

Akulakhan, also called the Second Numidium, is the name of the brass machine god built by Dagoth Ur under Red Mountain. Using the divine influence of the Heart of Lorkhan to power Akulakhan, he planned to use it to drive all outlanders out of Morrowind, cast down the Tribunal, spread Corprus, and eventually take over all Tamriel. But, in 3E 427, the Nerevarine arrived at Vvardenfell, recovered Kagrenac's Tools – the Dwemer artifacts Wraithguard, Sunder, and Keening – and led an assault against Dagoth Ur's stronghold. Using the power of the tools, the Nerevarine was able to destroy the tonal enchantments on the Heart, killing Dagoth Ur and destroying Akulakhan.

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Alcaire Pike

An Alcaire pike

A type of fish that can be found in Stormhaven.

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An alewife

A type of fish that can be found in the Alik'r Desert region.

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An alit

The Alit is a tail-less, two-legged predator common to the grasslands and ash wastes of Vvardenfell. Built like its larger and more dangerous cousin, the Kagouti, the Alit has a large head and protruding jaw, and when running on its short, stumpy legs, it looks like a big toothy mouth with feet.

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Ancestor Ghost

An ancestor ghost

The spirits of deceased Dunmer, Ancestor Ghosts commonly defend the tombs of clan and kin, but may also be summoned and controlled by sorcerers. Ancestor Ghosts are aggressive, but not very dangerous to the prepared adventurer. These ghosts can curse those who attack them, and are immune to disease, poison, frost damage and mundane weapons.

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Ancestor Guardian

An ancestor guardian

A more powerful form of the common Ancestor Ghost, Ancestor Guardians are immune to disease, frost, normal weapons, and poison. Dunmer have a unique, innate ability to summon Ancestor Guardians to aid them in battle, or to help them avoid blows.

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Ancestor Moth

An ancestor moth

A rare moth that can be found in secluded Ancestor Glades scattered across Tamriel. They are attracted to the bark of a Canticle Tree and produce silk that can be used to make powerful clothing.

Ancestor moths are used by Moth Priests in the Ritual of the Ancestor Moth in order to read an Elder Scroll. The moths maintain a connection to the ancient magic that allows the Moth Priest to decipher them. Moths emanate a soft harmonious trilling that when amplified tap into a form of primal augur. This allows the moths themselves to become a conduit for deciphering the scrolls. By having the moths close to the Moth Priest, they can utilize the conduit and share the moth's augury.

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Ants on a tree stump

Ants are insects that can be found in Skyrim's undergrowth.

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A cousin of the deer.

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An archerfish

A type of fish that can be found in Greenshade.

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An armorhead

A type of fish that can be found in Stonefalls.

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An arowana

A type of fish that can be found in Malabal Tor.

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Ascended Sleeper

An ascended sleeper

The Ascended Sleepers are distorted, half-mer, half-beast creatures transformed through the connection forged by Dagoth Ur to the power of the Heart of Lorkhan into powerful magical beings. Ascended Sleepers are highly intelligent, aggressive, and dangerous. The Ascended Sleeper is the form assumed during one of the final stages of the progression of Corprus. They can afflict their opponents with a variety of deadly Blight diseases as well as damaging frost and fire attacks.

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Ash Ghoul

An ash ghoul

The Ash Ghoul is a distorted, half-human, half-beast creature transformed through the connection forged by Dagoth Ur to the power of the Heart of Lorkhan into a powerful magical being. Ash Ghouls are highly intelligent, aggressive, and dangerous. The Ash Ghoul is one of the forms taken by a being during the progression of Corprus. They can cast a variety of minor spells, including spell reflection.

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Ash Guardian

Ash Guardians are golems resembling Storm Atronachs, created by the Telvanni of Solstheim during their study of the Ash Spawn. They can be summoned from the ash, but will attack indiscriminately unless controlled with a Heart Stone.

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Ash Hopper

Ash Hoppers are creatures found in the ashlands of southern Solstheim. They appear as moderate sized insects, somewhat like Scrib, often seen sifting through the Ashlands. Their meat and jelly is used in cooking and alchemy, and their chitin can be used in creating traditional Dunmer armor types.

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Ash Shad

An ash shad

A type of fish that can be found in Stonefalls.

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Ash Slave

An ash slave

The Ash Slave is a humanoid creature transformed through the connection forged by Dagoth Ur to the power of the Heart of Lorkhan. These creatures are aggressive and dangerous. An Ash Slave is a being in one stage of Corprus' progression. They can cast a variety of minor spells including spell reflection.

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Ash Spawn

Ash Spawn are creatures found in the Ashlands of Solstheim. They began to appear on the island after the massive eruptions of Red Mountain early in 4E 5 and onward covered the southern part of the island in ash. Their spawning from the ash is caused by heart stones, which contain some trace of the Heart of Lorkhan's power and give life to bones found buried in the wastes.

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Ash Titan

Ash Titan

The Ash Titan is a fiery variant of the Daedric Titan that serves Mehrunes Dagon instead of Molag Bal.

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Ash Vampire

An ash vampire

A very powerful creature created by the connection forged by Dagoth Ur to the power of Heart of Lorkhan. They take a tall, sinewy form with clawed hands, similar to Dagoth Ur himself. They serve as the nobility of House Dagoth. Note that despite being called "vampires", these creatures are not actually undead, and it isn't possible to catch vampirism from them. They should only be approached with caution by the most experienced and well protected adventurers.

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Ash Zombie

An ash zombie

A humanoid transformed through the connection forged by Dagoth Ur to the power of the Heart of Lorkhan. They are hostile and will attack on sight, although they can be calmed using spells. When spoken to, however, they can only repeat a few agonized phrases. Like the other ash creatures, it appears that Ash Zombies were once Dunmer.

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Assassin Beetle

An assassin beetle

Assassin Beetles, known to the Yokudans as 'Samara Scarabs', are hostile, large insectoid creatures found across Tamriel.

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An Auroran

A golden armored Daedra in the service of Meridia, these beings wield powerful axes infused with lightning. They are resistant to both magic and lightning, and use some shock-based magic.

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Ayleid Guardian

An Ayleid Guardian

An animated statue wearing elven armor and weapons.

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Azurain Flounder

An Azurain flounder

A type of fish that can be found in Glenumbra.

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Azure Eel

An Azure Eel

A type of fish that can be found in Coldharbour.

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