Lore:A Trova de Navid, o Cantador

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In old Ra Gada days

When Forebears came ashore

Among them were sword-singers

According to the lore

At fore were Yaghoub's Thirteen

Noble Ansei all

One there was named Navid

This song is of his fall

Navid loved Sayeedeh

Sayeedeh loved him not

Her heart was pledged to Ihlqub

The Thirteen's finest shot

As Ihlqub plied his bow

In practice on the beach

Navid approached with empty hands

Until he was in reach

While Ihlqub faced the target

Navid called up his shehai

Slew his love's love with sacred sword

And watched his rival die

Back to Yaghoub's beachhead

Went into his tent

Fell for shame on his own sword

Dishonor thus was spent