
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
Race Bosmer Gender Male
Level Leveled (1-25) Class Bandit Wizard
RefID N/A BaseID
Other Information
Health 35-441
Magicka 100-294
Stamina 50-150
Moral. No Crime Aggress. Unaggressive
The Wizard casting a spell
Ficheiro:DB-npc-Wizard 02.jpg
"They said it was impossible. Ha!"

The Wizard is a Bosmer who can be randomly encountered on Solstheim. He can initially be heard muttering to himself, "They said it couldn't be done. They said it. They said it. But they were wrong!", "There's nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about at all...", "The book in my dream showed me...", and "To touch the sky like a dragon..." before casting his experimental flying spell.

If you approach him, he casts his spell and then shoots straight up into the sky, shouting, "It's working, I'm flying! I'm really flying! Hahahaha!" As the spell wears off, he exclaims, "What?! Ooooohhhhhh Nooooooooooo!!!!!" He eventually falls to the ground and dies on impact. The Journal of a Madman can be found on his corpse.

He wears apprentice robes of Alteration with an apprentice hood and a pair of boots, and he carries a leveled staff.


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