Dragonborn:Unobtainable Items

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This page contains items which either cannot be seen or equipped by the player or which exist only in the Creation Kit and cannot be seen without the use of the console.

Unobtainable Apparel

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
48px Chitin Boots of Muffling
Heavy Boots Not possible 6 230 14 Wearer is muffled and moves silently:
48px Chitin Helmet of Waterbreathing
Heavy Helmet Not possible 5 400 19 Can swim underwater without drowning:
48px Cultist Robes
Robes N/A 2 75 N/A

Magicka regenerates 75% faster:

48px Dunmer Outfit
Robes N/A 2 75 N/A

Magicka regenerates 75% faster:

SR-icon-armor-ImperialBoots.png Falx Boots
Heavy Boots Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
8 20 10
  • This unique armor is worn by General Falx Carius.
  • The full name for these items are "Imperial Boots", "Imperial Bracers", and "Imperial Helmet", respectively. However, the Editor IDs are DLC2RR01FalxBoots , DLC2RR01FalxGauntlets , and DLC2RR01FalxHelmet in game data. They use the same models as standard Imperial boots, Imperial bracers, and Imperial helmet.
SR-icon-armor-ImperialBracers.png Falx Gauntlets
Heavy Gauntlets Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
4 15 10
SR-icon-armor-ImperialHelmet(open).png Falx Helmet
Light Helmet Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
5 50 15
SR-icon-armor-GeneralTullius'Armor.png General Carius' Armor
Clothing (Heavy Armor) Steel Ingot;
perk: None
18 65 31
SR-icon-jewelry-GoldNecklace.png Heartstone Necklace
Necklace N/A 0.5 120 N/A
48px Nordic Boots of Muffling
Heavy Boots Not possible 6 305 15 Wearer is muffled and moves silently:
48px Nordic Helmet of Waterbreathing
Heavy Helmet Not possible 7 600 20 Can swim underwater without drowning:
48px Stalhrim Boots of Muffling
Light Boots Not possible 2 295 11.5 Wearer is muffled and moves silently:
48px Stalhrim Boots of Muffling
Heavy Boots Not possible 7 530 17 Wearer is muffled and moves silently:
48px Stalhrim Helmet of Waterbreathing
Light Helmet Not possible 2 550 16.5 Can swim underwater without drowning:
48px Stalhrim Helmet of Waterbreathing
Heavy Helmet Not possible 7 1150 22 Can swim underwater without drowning:
48px Telvanni Robes
Robes N/A 2 175 N/A
Word Chest
Light Armor Not possible 5 50 23
48px Word Chest
Light Armor Not possible 5 50 23
  • This item is equipped by Storn Crag-Strider upon being killed by Hermaeus Mora.
  • It has a big bloodstain on the chest area where Hermaeus Mora's tentacles impaled the coat.
Word Chest
Light Armor Not possible 5 50 23

Unobtainable Weapons

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Damage Enchantment Notes
SR-icon-weapon-DaedricSword.png Zahkrii Do Dovahkiin
1 Hand Sword Ebony Ingot;
perk: Daedric
16 1250 14 The swords [sic] true power can only be unlocked by the Thuum of the Dohvakiin [sic]
  • Disenchant: No
  • Cannot be found in game.
  • Name means "Sword of Dragonborn" in the Dragon Language.
  • Despite its description, it is neither enchanted nor has any special scripts attached, and is in all other ways identical to a normal Daedric sword.

Other Items

Name (ID) Weight Value Notes
SR-icon-misc-Firewood.png Firewood
0 5
SR-icon-poison-FrostbiteVenom.png Netch Poison
0.5 21

A blood-freezing poison that does 5 points damage to Health and Stamina for 4 seconds: