Dragonborn:Aphia Velothi

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Aphia Velothi
(RefID: )
Home City Raven Rock
House Caerellius House
Race Dunmer Gender Female
Level 10 Class Priest
RefID BaseID
Training Trainer (Common)Restoration (Common)
Other Information
Health 125 Magicka 50
Stamina 110
Primary Skills Speech, Restoration, Alchemy, Illusion, Smithing, Enchanting
Class Details TrainerRestorationJourneyman
Moral. No Crime Aggress. Unaggressive
Protected Yes
Faction(s) Crescius & Aphia Shared Faction; DLC2CrimeRavenRockFaction; Raven Rock Crescius Caerellius's House Faction; Restoration Trainer; Skill Trainer

Aphia Velothi is a Dunmer priestess living in Raven Rock. She offers common-level training in Restoration. She used to be a Temple priest, which is how she met Crescius Caerellius, who was brought to her for care while he was overcoming depression. She eventually married Crescius, and left the Temple over a disagreement with Elder Othreloth regarding the current status of the Tribunal (Othreloth refers to them as the "false Tribunal"), and she is no longer welcome there. She is worried her husband's obsession with his great-grandfather is going to get him killed.

Aphia carries a key to Crescius' house, among other things, and wears a Dunmer outfit and Dunmer shoes. If attacked, she defends herself with a steel dagger. She knows the Restoration spell Healing.

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