Bloodmoon:Ettiene of Glenmoril Wyrd

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Ettiene in the Gloomy Cave
Ettiene of Glenmoril Wyrd (glenmoril_witch_cave / glenmoril_witch_altar / glenmoril_witch_altar_2)
Location Gloomy Cave
Altar of Thrond
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 30 Class Witch
Other Information
Health 154 Magicka 172
Alarm 0 Fight 30 / 100 / 50
Ettiene of Glenmoril Wyrd (glenmoril_raven_cave / glenmoril_raven)
Location Gloomy Cave
Altar of Thrond
Species N/A Soul Petty (10)
Level 4 Type Special Creatures
Drain Endurance Drain Endurance 20-40pts
Drain Strength Drain Strength 20-40pts
Other Information
Health 10000 Magicka 10
Alarm 0 Fight 0

Ettiene of Glenmoril Wyrd is an Imperial witch located inside the Gloomy Cave.

Ettiene and her two sisters Isobel and Fallaise have traveled to Solstheim to help those unfortunate infested by a certain disease. When you first meet Ettiene at the Altar of Thrond, she is masked as a raven, offering help.

Related Quests


  • Ettiene's raven-form appears only during cut-scenes, and she cannot actually attack or be attacked in this form.
  • There are three versions of Ettiene that appear at different times. The glenmoril_witch_altar version appears at the Altar of Thrond until stage 30 of the related quest is complete. The glenmoril_witch_altar_2 version appears during the ritual itself, and glenmoril_witch_cave appears with her sisters in Gloomy Cave.
  • Ettiene makes a reappearance in the Skyrim DLC Dragonborn as a hagraven, along with her sisters.