Bloodmoon:Aiding and Abetting
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Quick Walkthrough
- Speak to Carnius about your next assignment assuming you've chosen to side with him.
- Learn about how he has been skimming ore with help from Uryn Maren.
- Recover all the ebony ore from Uryn's house in Raven Rock.
- Return the ore to Carnius and be told about the next part of the scam.
- Find Uryn in the mine and speak to him to be told how to distract the guard.
- Distract the guard with the Flin and follow him into the mine.
- Wait until Uryn tells you he's finished.
- Return to Carnius to tell him the news of your success.
Detailed Walkthrough
Carnius Magius
If you sided with Carnius Magius you'll get this quest from him in Fort Frostmoth. He'll tell you that he has had Uryn Maren stealing a little extra ore that he sells on the side. Unfortunately, Falco suspects what is going on and Carnius needs your help in taking care of things. Uryn has been storing the ore in a chest in his house and Falco may know about it. He gives you a key to get into Uryn's house and remove all the ore so there is no evidence.
Uryn Maren's House
Take a quick trip into Raven Rock and find Uryn's house roughly in the center of the colony near to Falco. Enter the house using the key and find the chest in the bedroom, again opening it with the key. Take the five pieces of ebony ore in it and you'll receive a journal entry to go and speak with Carnius.
Back To Carnius
Return to Carnius with the ebony ore, and he'll tell you that Falco has now placed a guard at the storeroom in the mine, who is preventing Uryn from stealing any more ore. He wants you to go and distract the guard so Uryn can steal some more ore.
Distracting the Guard
Enter the mine in the colony and find Uryn Maren shortly inside the entrance. Speak to him and he'll describe the plan. Apparently, the guard, Aldam, has a fondness for whiskey so you are to give him some Flin, which Uryn gives to you. Find the guard and chat for a bit and offer him the drink which he'll gladly take. After a short bit, he'll take off down into the mine for some privacy to enjoy the Flin... and you should follow him. After another short wait, Uryn will walk in behind you. You can speak to him now, but he'll just tell you to wait. After another short bit you'll receive a journal entry to speak to Carnius and that the 'job' is done. Feel free to lighten the crates of ebony in the storeroom while you're at it.
Back to Carnius
Return to Carnius with the news and he'll reward you with 1000 gold.
Quest Stages
These Codes can be used along with the Journal
Console Command and Quest ID given within the chart to update the quest to a certain point.
{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Aiding and Abetting|CO_6a}}
{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=Carnius has asked me to help cover up Uryn Maren's theft of ore from the mines. I need to find the locked chest in his house and get the ore out. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=20|2=|3=I've taken all the ore out of the chest in Uryn Maren's house, and should report back to Carnius. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=30|2=|3=Carnius is concerned that Uryn Maren is still under suspicion, but needs him to steal more ore. I've been tasked with distracting the guard in the mine so Uryn can sneak into the storeroom. I should find Uryn in the mine and come up with a plan. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=40|2=|3=I've talked to Uryn Maren, who is going to sneak over near the storeroom. Once I've gotten the guard out of the way, he'll sneak in. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=50|2=|3=Uryn Maren has completed his task. I should report back to Carnius. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=60|2=fin|3=Carnius was pleased that Uryn Maren was able to get the job done. }}
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